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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 46

               I added energy to the system,                      aesthetics, morality, and other

               which was stored in the                            humanistic areas. But is that what
               electromagnetic forces inside the                  Einstein really meant? Is
               rubber band, which add to the                      everything really relative?
               mass of the object (albeit very
                                                                  The happy answer is no. And you
                                                                  already know this – the laws of

               Another Reason We Can’t                            physics are not relative. They are
                                                                  the same for everyone. The speed
               Go Faster Than Light
                                                                  of light isn’t relative – it’s the same
               E=mc  gives us another way to
                                                                  for everyone, period.
               realize how nothing can go faster
               than the speed of light.                           And although observers differ on
                                                                  the intervals of time and space
               A bowling ball is harder to get
                                                                  between two events, they do agree
               rolling than a ping pong ball
                                                                  on certain aspects (we’ll get to this
               because it has more inertia, more
                                                                  when we talk about spacetime).
               resistance to motion (we covered

               this in Unit 1).                                   General Relativity Myths &
               The more massive an object, the
               more inertia it will have, and the                 One of the biggest mistakes made
               more energy it will take to                        in science textbooks (especially in
               accelerate it.                                     children’s books) is the idea that
                                                                  there is no gravity in space.
               The inertia increases as the
               object’s speed approaches c, so it                 You’ll often see a picture of an
               takes an infinite amount of force                  astronaut “floating” right next to
               and thus infinite amount of energy                 the words:  “Why does this
               to accelerate an object to c. And                  astronaut float in space? Because
               that is impossible.                                there’s no gravity in space.”

               Common Myths about
               Special Relativity

               “Everything’s relative…” Have you
               hear this before? Since Einstein
               published his work over a century
               ago, people from all over the board
               have applied it to their area of

               interest, including philosophy,

               © 2010 Supercharged Science                            

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