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P. 249

Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 47

               That’s ridiculous! If there was no                 out in deep space (clear of any

               gravity in space, wouldn’t the                     gravitational influences). They
               moon go veering off in a straight                  would be indistinguishable.
               line? Wouldn’t the planets stop
                                                                  You’d know eventually you were
               orbiting the sun?
                                                                  freefalling on Earth because you’d
               Sometimes you’ll also see words to                 smack into the ground and large
               the effect of: “You need to be free                forces would let you know you
               of the Earth’s gravitational pull to               were not in deep space.
               experience weightlessness.”
                                                                  The astronaut in the space shuttle
               Another ridiculous statement. You                  is in exactly the same situation of
               can experience freefall right here                 freefall as you were and therefore
               on Earth. Just go into an elevator                 didn’t feel gravity.
               to the top floor and cut the cord.
                                                                  General Relativity came years after
               You’ll be in freefall in a very short
                                                                  Special Relativity, as Einstein had
               amount of time.
                                                                  to rearrange physics a bit in order
                                                                  to made sense of everything.

                                                                  This is one of the very few theories
                                                                  which was not developed by the
                                                                  works of preceding scientists.
                                                                  Einstein came up with this all on
                                                                  his own in the laboratory of his
                                                                  mind by simply asking questions.

                                                                  Although a hundred years old,

                                                                  General Relativity is not nearly as
               If while in this freefalling elevator              well-tested as Special Relativity.
               you took a ball out of your pocket
                                                                  Scientists know that Special
               and let it go, you’d see that it falls
                                                                  Relativity is a proven fact, but they
               with the same acceleration that
                                                                  are only mostly sure about General
               you do and will appear ‘weightless’.
               General Relativity                                 It’s incredible to think that one

               General Relativity states that you                 man’s ideas nearly a century ago
               would not be able to tell if you                   are still unable to be fully tested
               were freefalling in an elevator with               today due to lack of technology.
               the cord cut or in an elevator box                 Einstein was able to expect the

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