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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 52

                  Activities, Experiments, Projects

                                    Lesson 1: Particle Physics

                  Note: This section is an abbreviated overview of the experiments online.

               Experiment: Alpha Particle                         the way and blocks the alpha
                                                                  particles from reaching the
                                                                  detector, you hear the smoke
                                                                  alarm scream.
               Here is another way to detect
               cosmic rays, only this time you’ll
                                                                  Alpha particles are actually high
               actually see the thin, threadlike
                                                                  speed helium nuclei (which is two
               vapor trails appear and disappear.
                                                                  protons and two neutrons stuck
               These cobwebby trails are left by
                                                                  together). They were named long
               the particles within minutes of
                                                                  before we knew what they were of,
               creating the detector.
                                                                  and the name stuck. Alpha
                                                                  particles are pretty heavy and
               In space, there are powerful
                                                                  slow, and most get stopped by just
               explosions (supernovas) and
               rapidly-spinning neutron stars                     about anything, a sheet of paper or
               (pulsars), both of which spew out                  your skin. Because of this, alpha
                                                                  particles are not something people
               high energy particles that zoom
                                                                  get excited about, unless you
               near the speed of light. Tons of
               these particles zip through our                    actually eat the smoke detector.

               atmosphere each day. There are
                                                                  Both brick buildings as well as
               three types of particles: alpha,
                                                                  people emit beta particles. Beta
               beta, and gamma.
                                                                  particles are actually high speed
                                                                  electrons or positrons (a positron is
               Did you know that your household
               smoke alarm emits alpha particles?                 the antimatter counterpart to the
                                                                  electron), and they are quick, fast,
               There’s a small bit (around
                                                                  and light. You can stop a beta
               1/5000th of a gram) of Americium-
                                                                  particle by holding up a thin sheet
               241, which emits an alpha particle
                                                                  of plastic or tinfoil.
               onto a detector. As long as the
               detector sees the alpha particle,
                                                                  When you hold the jar in your
               the smoke alarm stays quiet.
                                                                  hands, you warm it slightly and
               However, since alpha particles are
                                                                  cause the air inside to get
               easy to block, when smoke gets in

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