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P. 259

Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 57

               reason they usually don't how the                  Venus (single peppercorn) is 77

               planets and their orbits to scale -                feet from the sun.
               they would need a sheet of paper
               nearly a mile long!                                Earth (single peppercorn) is 107
                                                                  feet from the sun.

               To really get the hang of how big
               and far away celestial objects                     Mars (half a peppercorn) is 163
               really are, find a long stretch of                 feet from the sun.
               road that you can mark off with
                                                                  Jupiter (golf ball) is 559 feet from
               chalk.  We've provided
                                                                  the sun.
               approximate (average) orbital
               distances and sizes for building
                                                                  Saturn (shooter-size marble) is
               your own scale model of the solar
                                                                  1,025 feet from the sun.

                                                                  Uranus (regular-size marble) is
               When building this model, start by
                                                                  2,062 feet from the sun.
               marking off the location of the sun
               (you can use chalk or place the
                                                                  Neptune (regular marble) is 3,232
               objects we have suggested below
                                                                  feet from the sun.
               as placeholders for the locations).

               Are you ready to find out what's                   Pluto (grain of sand) is 4,248 feet
               out there?  Then let's get started.                from the sun.
               You need a measuring tape (the
               biggest one you have) as well as                   Nearest Star (Alpha Centauri) is
               tape or chalk to mark off the                      5500 miles from the sun.
               locations as you go along.  All
               distances are measured from the                    Experiment: Is Your Solar
               center of the sun. (In some cases,                 System Too Big?
               you might just want to use the

               odometer in your car to help you                   If these distances are too large for
               measure the distance!)                             you, simply shrink all objects to
                                                                  the size of the period at the end of
               Sun (12" beach ball) at the                        this sentence and you'll get your

               starting point.                                    solar system to fit inside your
                                                                  house using these measurements
               Mercury (grain of sand) is 41 feet
               from the sun.
                                                                  First, draw a tiny dot for the Sun.
                                                                  The diameter of the sun for this

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