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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 58

               scale model is 0.1", but we're                     really just 'empty space'? Our

               going to ignore this and all other                 models shown here are too small
               planet diameters so we can fit this                to start bringing in the moons, but
               model within a 35' scale.                          you can see why posters showing
                                                                  the planets are not drawn to scale.
               We're going to ignore the sizes of
               the planets and just focus on how                  Experiment: Solar System
               far apart everything is. All                       Treasure Hunt
               distances listed below are
               measured from the sun.  Start by                   After you've participated in the
               marking off the position of the sun                Planetarium Star Show (either a
               with the tip of a sharp pencil.                    live presentation or by listening to
                                                                  the MP3 download for Unit 7), treat
               Here are the rest of the distances
                                                                  your kids to a Solar System
               you need to mark off:
                                                                  Treasure Hunt!  You'll need some
                                                                  sort of treasure (we recommend
               Mercury is 4 inches from the sun.
                                                                  books like Nightwatch or a pair of
                                                                  Aurora's favorite binoculars, but
               Venus is 7.75 inches from the sun.
                                                                  you can also use 'Mars' candy bars

               Earth is 10 inches from the sun.                   or home made chocolate chip
                                                                  cookies (call them Galaxy Clusters)
               Mars is 1' 4" from the sun.                        instead.

               Jupiter is 4' 8" from the sun.                     Astronomy Clues
                                                                  You can print out images of each
               Saturn is 8' 6.5" from the sun.                    planet and match them up with the

                                                                  clues indicated below.  Post images
               Uranus is 17' 2" from the sun.
                                                                  of each of the planets along with
                                                                  the clue for the next one to really
               Neptune is 26' 11" from the sun.
                                                                  make this an out-of-this-world
               Pluto is 35' 5" from the sun.

                                                                  The Sun (CLUE #1): Hand this one
               Our nearest star, Alpha Centauri,
                                                                  to the kids to get started.
               is approximately 46 miles from the
                                                                  This object is hot, but not on fire.
                                                                  Explore the dryer but don’t
               Are you mind-boggled yet? Did you                  perspire!

               notice how the solar system is

               © 2010 Supercharged Science                            

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