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Unit 11: Magnetism                                                                     Page 24

                   fingers. Remember that                         1. Remove the insulation from

                   attached to this shaft is a coil of            about an inch of each end of the
                   wire. When you spin the shaft,                 wire. (Use sandpaper if you're
                   you're also moving a coil of wire              using magnet wire.)
                   past the permanent magnets
                   inside to motor, which will                    2. Wrap the wire at least 30-50
                   create electricity in your coil and            times around your fingers, making
                   out the terminals.                             sure your coil is large enough to
                                                                  slide the compass through.
               2.  Attach a low-voltage bipolar LED
                   (RS #276-012) directly to the
                                                                  3. Connect one end of the wire to
                   motor terminals. Bend the end
                                                                  the battery case wire using an
                   of each ‘leg’ of the LED into little
                                                                  alligator clip wire.
                   hooks and hook one to each
                   motor terminal.                                4. While looking at the compass,

               3.  Spin the shaft to see the LED                  repeatedly tap the other end of the
                   light up. Depending on the size                wire to the battery. You should see
                   of the magnets inside your                     the compass react to the tapping.
                   motor, you may need to spin
                                                                  5. Switch the wires from one
                   the shaft super fast to see the
                                                                  terminal of the battery to the
                   LED light up.  The larger the
                                                                  other. Now tap again. Do you see a
                   motor, the easier this activity
                                                                  difference in the way the compass
                   is.  Try using a 9-18VDC motor
                   (RS #276-256) from Radio
                                                                  You just made a simple
                                                                  galvanometer. “Oh boy, that’s
                                                                  great! Hey Bob, take a look! I just
                                                                  made a....a what?!?” I thought you
                                                                  might ask that question. A
               Galvanometers are coils of wire
                                                                  galvanometer is a device that is
               connected to a battery.  When
                                                                  used to find and measure electric
               current flows through the wire, it
                                                                  current. “But, it made a compass
               creates a magnetic field.  Since the
                                                                  needle move...isn’t that a magnetic
               wire is bundled up, it multiplies this
                                                                  field, not electricity?” Ah, yes, but
               electromagnetic effect to create a
                                                                  hold on a minute. What is electric
               simple electromagnet that you can
                                                                  current...moving electrons. What
               detect with your compass.
                                                                  do moving electrons create...a
                                                                  magnetic field! By the

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