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Unit 11: Magnetism                                                                     Page 21

                  Activities, Experiments, Projects

                                           Lesson 1: Magnets

                  Note: This section is an abbreviated overview of the experiments online.

                                                                  the magnetic field of the magnet.
               Experiment: Simple
                                                                  Once enough iron atoms turned the
               Magnet Activities
                                                                  nail itself became a magnet!

               Let's play around with the idea of
                                                                  Now let's destroy the magnetized
               lining up all the mini-magnets
                                                                  nail... and turn it back into a
               inside an object to magnetize it.
                                                                  regular old nail. Here's what you
               You'll need a steel nail (steel is a
               combination of iron and carbon), a
               magnet (the stronger the better),                  1. Drop it on a hard surface. A
               and a few paper clips. Here's what                 table, floor or sidewalk would work
               you do:                                            well.

               1. Take a nail in one hand and the                 2. Drop it again.
               magnet in the other.
                                                                  3. Drop it again.
               2. Stroke the magnet along the
               nail. Make sure to always stroke in                4. Drop get the picture.
               the same direction. From the head                  Drop it four or five times.
               to the tip for example. Do that at
               least twenty times.                                5. Now see if it picks up any paper
                                                                  clips. Is the nail still a magnet?
               3. Now see if your nail can pick up
               any paper clips. Feel free to                      Here you took atoms that were all
               strengthen your magnet nail by                     nicely lined up and messed them
               continuing to stroke the nail with                 up so they pointed in different

               the permanent magnet.                              directions. Since they weren’t lined
                                                                  up as nicely anymore they had
               You actually twisted and turned                    much less or perhaps no magnetic

               atoms! As you moved the                            force. If you remember the
               permanent magnet over the nail                     magnets in a box that we were
               the iron atoms in the nail actually                talking about before. This is like
               turned, to align themselves with                   you took that box that had all the

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