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Unit 11: Magnetism                                                                     Page 18

               One story about this discovery,                    make a greater amount of

               goes like this:                                    electricity each time you moved
                                                                  the magnet through the wire.
               A science teacher doing a
               demonstration for his students                                             Believe it or

               (can you see why I like this story)                                        not, most of
               noticed that as he moved a                                                 the electricity
               magnet, he caused one of his                                               you use comes
               instruments to register the flow of                                        from moving
               electricity. He experimented a bit                                         magnets
               further with this and noticed that a                                       around coils of
               moving magnetic field can actually                 wire! Electrical power plants either
               create electrical current. Thus tying              spin HUGE coils of wire around
               the magnetism and the electricity                  very powerful magnets or they spin
               together.                                          very powerful magnets around
                                                                  HUGE coils of wire. The electricity
               Before that, they were seen as two                 to power your computer, your
               completely different phenomena!                    lights, your air conditioning, your
               Now we know, that you can’t have                   radio or whatever, comes from
               an electric field without a magnetic               spinning magnets or wires!

               field. You also cannot have a
               moving magnetic field, without                     “But, what about all those nuclear
               causing electricity in objects that                and coal power plants I hear about
               electrons can move in (like wires).                all the time?”
               Moving electrons create a magnetic
               field and moving magnetic fields                   Good question. Do you know what
               can create electric currents.                      that nuclear and coal stuff does? It
                                                                  gets really hot. When it gets really
               “So, if I just made electricity, can I             hot, it boils water. When it boils
               power a light bulb by moving a                     water, it makes steam and do you
               magnet around?”                                    know what the steam does? It
                                                                  causes giant wheels to turn. Guess
               Yes, if you moved that magnet                      what’s on those giant wheels.
               back and forth fast enough you                     That’s right, a huge coil of wire or
               could power a light bulb. However,                 very powerful magnets!
               by fast enough, I mean like 1000

               times a second or more! If you had                 Coal and nuclear energy basically
               a stronger magnet, or many more                    do little more than boil water. With
               coils in your wire, then you could                 the exception of solar energy

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