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Unit 11: Magnetism                                                                     Page 14

               Now, imagine what would happen                     A gravitational field, for example,

               if the magnets inside the box did                  comes from a body of some sort.
               all face the same way. If I stuck                  The larger the body the greater the
               them all end to end and created a                  force. A planet, for example, is a
               long string of magnets. Now the                    large body with a large
               box would have a very powerful                     gravitational force. If another body
               magnetic force, right? This is the                 gets within the gravitational field of
               difference between an iron nail and                the planet, it will be affected by the
               a magnet. The nail has iron atoms                  force.
               going all which ways, while the
               magnet has iron atoms that are                     What creates the force?
               fairly lined up. The more lined up                 What’s pulling or pushing?
               the iron atoms are, the stronger

               the magnetic force.                                Nobody knows! We just know that
                                                                  it happens.
               What’s a magnetic field?

                                                                  Another thing about forces is that
                                        Well, I can’t             the farther something gets away
                                        tell you. To be           from the source, the less and less
                                        honest,                   the force works on that object. A
                                        nobody can.               fancy term for this is the inverse
                                        Magnetic                  square law. Something quite far
                                        fields,                   from the Earth will feel no tug from
                                        gravitational             the Earth’s gravitational pull. If it
               fields, electric fields are very                   gets closer it will feel a slight tug.
               mysterious and at this point there                 Closer still, a stronger tug will be

               are still lots of questions about                  felt. The closer something gets to
               each one.                                          the source of a field (gravitational,
                                                                  magnetic or electric) the stronger
               A field is an area around an                       the pull of the field force is. If
               electrical, magnetic or gravitational              you’re standing on top of the Sears
               source that will create a force on                 Tower in Chicago you are actually
               another electrical, magnetic or                    going to weigh less then if you’re
               gravitational source that comes                    standing in the street.
               within the reach of the field. (Now
               you can see why there’s still so                   Weight depends on the pull of
               much mystery about them!)                          gravity. The farther you are from
                                                                  the Earth, the less gravity pulls on
                                                                  you and the less you will weigh!

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