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Unit 11: Magnetism                                                                     Page 9


                                           Lesson 1: Magnets

               What IS magnetism, anyway? You                            abundance of electrons
               can feel how two north sides of a                         spinning in the same
               magnet push against each other,                           direction, and if those atoms
               but what IS that invisible force,                         are lined up in the same

               and why is it there?  And how                             direction, that object will
               come magnets stick to the fridge                          have a magnetic force.
               and not a soda can?  We'll about to
                                                                     ·  There’s still a lot about fields
               dive seep into the mysterious world
                                                                         that is unknown. Fields are
               of magnetism.  Although scientists
                                                                         an exciting area of physics
               are still trying to puzzle out some
                                                                         where a lot is still left to be
               of its secrets, I'm going to get you
               up to speed on what they do know
                                                                     ·  A field is an area around a
               today. Are you ready?
                                                                         electrical, magnetic or
               You can get started by watching                           gravitational source that will
               this video, and afterward either                          create a force on another
               read more about it or start your                          electrical, magnetic or

               experiments!                                              gravitational source that
                                                                         comes within the reach of the
               Highlights:                                               field.

                   ·  Magnetic fields are created                    ·  In fields, the closer

                       by electrons moving in the                        something gets to the source
                       same direction.                                   of the field, the stronger the
                                                                         force of the field gets. This is
                   ·  Electrons can have a “left” or
                                                                         called the inverse square
                       “right” spin.
                   ·  If an atom has more
                                                                     ·  A magnetic field must come
                       electrons spinning in one
                                                                         from a north pole of a
                       direction than in the other,
                                                                         magnet and go to a south
                       that atom has a magnetic
                                                                         pole of a magnet (or atoms
                                                                         that have turned to the
                   ·  If an object is filled with                        magnetic field.)
                       atoms that have an

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