Page 381 - Microsoft Word - LessonPlan-Overview.doc
P. 381
Unit 11: Magnetism Page 10
· All magnets have two poles. · The Earth has a huge
Magnets are called dipolar magnetic field.
which means they have two
· The Earth has a weak
magnetic force.
· The two poles of a magnet
· The magnetic field probably
are called north and south
comes from the moving
electrons in the currents of
· The magnetic field comes the Earth’s molten core.
from a north pole and goes
· The Earth has a north and a
to a south pole.
south magnetic pole which is
· Opposite poles will attract different from the geographic
one another. Like poles will north and south pole.
repel one another.
· Compasses turn with the
· Iron and a few other types of force of the magnetic field.
atoms will turn to align
· Over time iron atoms will
themselves with the
align themselves with the
magnetic field.
force of the magnetic field.
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