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Unit 11: Magnetism                                                                     Page 13

               However, most of the magnets you                   movement there’s no magnetic

               run across are not attached to any                 force.
               form of electricity. So how are the
               electrons moving?                                  However, there are a few atoms,
                                                                  iron being the most famous, that

               Electrons move on their own. They                  are not in balance. Iron has four
               move around the nucleus and they                   more electrons that spin in one
               spin. It’s the electron spin that                  direction than in the other. This
               tends to be responsible for the                    excess of same spinning electrons
               magnetic field in those                            creates a net directional movement
               “permanent” magnets (the                           and thus, a magnetic force! Nickel
               magnets that maintain a magnetic                   and Cobalt are other fairly common
               field without electricity flowing).                magnetic metals.

               “But don’t electrons always spin?                  Atomic Line Up
               Shouldn’t everything be magnetic?”
                                                                  “Aha, so everything that’s made of
               Yes, electrons are always spinning.                iron is magnetic! Got it.”
               The reason some things are
               magnetic and other things aren’t is                Well, not so fast. Yes, each iron
               due to the balance of the spinning                 atom is like a little magnet but not
               electrons.                                         all iron objects have a magnetic
                                                                  field. In fact, most don’t. The
                                    Electrons are said            reason that most objects that have
                                    to spin left or               iron in them are not magnetic is
                                    right. It not quite           because the atoms are all jumbled
                                    that simple but it            up.

                                    makes it easier to
                                    think and talk                Imagine I gave you a shoe box
                                    about. Most atoms             filled with small magnets. Since I
               have a fairly even number of left                  just threw the magnets in there,
               and right spinning atoms. If there’s               they are all jumbled up. Some are
               four spinning left, there’s four                   facing right, some left, some up
               spinning right. If there’s nine                    and some down. Because of the
               spinning right, there’s eight                      jumble, the whole box may not
               spinning left. Since they are fairly               have much magnetic force since

               balanced, there’s no net direction                 the magnets inside are all
               that the electrons are moving in.                  canceling each other out.
               With no overall direction of

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