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Unit 11: Magnetism                                                                     Page 17

               think of each atom like a little                   way, and contribute the magnetic

               magnet.                                            field.

               However, these magnets are not all                 Antiferromagnetic
               lined up in the same direction, so

               their overall magnetic effect                      Some paramagnetic materials (like
               cancels out. If you bring in a                     chromium and manganese) have
               magnet (or place the atoms in a                    atoms pair up and cancel each
               magnetic field), they start to line                other out.  The north pole of one
               up in the same direction and the                   atom will line up with the south
               material starts to become                          pole of another.
               magnetized. But not quickly, or
               easily, because the atoms still have               Electromagnets
               so much energy that they keep
               bouncing around, even when in a                    Now we’ve covered the fact that
               solid state.                                       magnetic fields are caused by
                                                                  electrons moving in the same
               So to magnetize something                          direction. Up to this point, we’ve
               quickly, you need to bring down                    been focusing on magnetism being
               the temperature to reduce the                      caused by an unequal number of

               motion of the atoms start to really                electrons spinning in the same
               line up. Paramagnetic materials are                direction in an atom.
               attracted to both ends of a
               magnet.                                            If an atom has more electrons
                                                                  spinning in one direction than in
               Ferromagnetic                                      the other direction, that atom will
                                                                  have a magnetic field. When
                            There are four elements               bunches of these atoms get
                            (iron, nickel, cobalt, and            together, we have a permanent
                            gadolinium) that most                 magnet. Now we’re going to talk
               permanent magnets are made up                      about what happens if we force
               of.  These atoms stay lined up                     electrons to move.
               together, even when they are at a

               temperatures that would cause                      Moving magnets
               other atoms to bounce out of                       create
               alignment. The magnetic effects                    electricity?
               are mostly caused by the
               innermost electrons in the inner                   This is one of the most important
               orbits, which all aligned the same                 scientific discoveries of all time.

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