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P. 383
Unit 11: Magnetism Page 12
Textbook Reading
Here’s a riddle: key to
magnetism. As
I stick to some things but not to you move
others. further and
I stick but I’m not sticky. further in your
I attract some things, but push science
other things away. education, you’ll
If allowed to move, I will always notice that electrons are
point the same way. responsible for a lot of stuff that
What am I? goes on in science!
Well, since you know the topic of More accurately, a majority of
this lesson this isn’t the hardest electrons moving in a similar
riddle to solve. I’m a magnet right? direction creates a magnetic field.
Sure. But take a look at the wacky This is how electromagnets work.
things a magnet does! It sticks but Electrons are forced to move
it’s not sticky. It only sticks to through a wire and the moving
certain things, and it pushes some electrons cause a magnetic field.
things away. If you hang it from a We’ll look deeper into magnetic
string or float it in water, it will fields in the next lesson.
always point North.
Electron Spin
If that’s not enough strangeness,
as we’ll find out in a later lesson, “But how are electrons moving in
magnets can actually create my magnet on my fridge? It isn’t
electricity! Wow, what a wacky connected to any battery. What’s
thing a magnet is! So what is a going on there!? Don’t I need
magnet? What is going on with all electricity to have moving
those bizarre little shapes that are electrons?”
sticking to my fridge!?
Electromagnets do have electricity
What Causes Magnetism? flowing through them. Electricity is
nothing more than moving
Believe it or not, electrons! Those electrons. So it’s the electricity that
wacky little fellows that we learned causes the magnetic force in
about several lessons ago are the electromagnets.
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