Page 36 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 36

Y3 Spring Term Part 1. CW Lesson 8

         Fill in the table with the verb ‘to be’.
            Past tense verb                  Present tense verb               Future tense verb

            I was                              am                               will be

            (Singular) You were
            He was

            (Plural) You                     You                              You

            They                             They                             They

         Fill in the sentences with the past tense of the being verb.
        1.     The bees ____________ buzzing around the flowers.

        2.     They ________________ collecting nectar to make honey.

        3.     Honey ________________ always expensive to buy.

         Fill in the sentences with the present tense of the being verb.
        1.     I ____________ very fond of honey.

        2.     Everyone __________ thankful to God for bees.

        3.     People _____________ enjoying honey in lots of nations.

         Fill in the sentences with the future tense of the being verb.

        1.     The honey ____________ ______ put into jars to sell.

        2.     Lots of honey ___________ _______sold in the shops.

        3.     People ________________ spread it on bread and enjoy eating it.

         Read Exodus 34:5-6 to see a description of God, who is ‘I am’.

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