Page 5 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 5

Y4 Autumn Term. Writing Words (WW)

                                SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING LESSONS

            Most  teachers  will  wish  to  plan  their  own  writing  lessons.  These  are  suggestions
            which can be adapted, if required. Teaching in grammar lessons may be referred to
            as and when it is appropriate. Extend the children’s vocabulary and write challenging

            spellings on the board. Discuss the importance of legible handwriting and punctuation
            though the emphasis is clearly on creative or factual writing. Some classes may take
            a longer or shorter time on the writing tasks below so flexibility is required.

            Term Objectives

                1.  To learn how to write an advertisement using persuasive language.
                2.  To distinguish between fact and opinion,

                3.  To show imagination through the use of detail, creating interest and humour.
                4.  To write book reports.
                5.  To maintain consistent person and tense.
                6.  To create an ending for a story / poem.

                7.  To use the Christmas story as a basis for play writing.

            LESSONS 1-2

            Writing an advertising brochure
            Show the children some brochures of local places of interest. Draw attention to the
            way  in  which  advertisements  are  presented  with  headlines,  different  ways  of
            attracting  people  to  visit,  etc.  Ask  the  children  to  recall  an  interesting  place  they

            have  visited  in  their  summer  holidays  or  a  local  landmark  then  give  the  children
            guidelines as to how to write a brochure to advertise it. Employ the use of persuasive
            language.  A  landscape  A4  piece  of  paper  could  be  folded  two  or  three  times
            providing  different  sections.  The  brochure  would  ideally  be  done  on  the  computer
            after initial planning; it could be completed in an IT lesson.

            LESSONS 3-4

            Distinguishing between fact and opinion

            Show the children lots of advertisements in magazines. Differentiate between fact
            and  opinion.  Let  the  children  select  a  favourite  food  or  drink  to  write  an
            advertisement  using  fact  and  opinion.  They  may  need  to  conduct  some  research
            about  it  beforehand  or  during  the  lesson.  Talk  about  truthfulness  and  yet  the

            appropriate use of opinion.

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