Page 7 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 7
Y4 Autumn Term. Writing Words (WW)
• What the rats did
• The Pied Piper appears at the corporation
• The Mayor makes a promise
• The Piper asks for payment
• What the Piper does next
Discuss the possibilities for story endings. Ask the children to create their own
endings. Alternatively, the children could create another short story about keeping
one’s promise.
The Christmas Story
Use the Christmas story to write plays eg, the Annunciation, the Birth of Jesus, the
Visit of the Shepherds, the Visit of the Kings. Alternatively, the story could be
written as prose.
Show the children how to write plays with and without speech marks. Eg.
Angel: “You are to have a child…”
Mary: How will that be?