P. 28

Names of children in the group: ............................................................................................................................................


        Group tasks
        Write on separate sheets of paper and answer in sentences where it is possible.

        1.     Look up the word ‘courage’ in a dictionary and write the meaning.

        2.     Design or complete a cover page.

        3.     Write about a number of explorers who showed courage or write about any other
               courageous people.

        4.     Find out how the skunk and weasel show courage.

        5.     Look up and read these scriptures about courage:-

               Joshua 1:7                   Deuteronomy 31:6-7           1 Chronicles 28:20

               1 Corinthians 16:13          Philippians 1:20             Hebrews 3:6

        6.     When do you think Jesus especially showed courage?

        7.     Describe when other Bible characters showed courage.

        8.     When have you shown courage?  How could you be more courageous?

        Names of children in the group: ............................................................................................................................................


        Group tasks
        Write on separate sheets of paper and answer in sentences where it is possible.

                                            (Reflecting God's Image)          9
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