P. 29
1. Look up the word ‘loyalty’ in a dictionary and write the meaning.
2. Design or complete a cover page.
3. Write about Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan.
4. When do you think Jesus showed loyalty?
5. What does 1 Chronicles 29:18 say?
6. Find out all you can about the honey bee and grizzly bear and how they are loyal.
7. Discuss and write down how you could be more loyal to your friends.
Names of children in the group: ............................................................................................................................................
Group tasks
Write on separate sheets of paper and answer in sentences where it is possible.
1. Look up the word ‘initiative’ in a dictionary and write the meaning.
2. Design or complete a cover page.
3. Write about a number of inventors who showed initiative or write about any other
people you know who have shown initiative.
4. Find out how the raccoon and swan show initiative.
5. What initiative did God take in Genesis 1?
6. What initiative did God take in John 3:16?
7. Describe how other Bible characters took initiative.
(Reflecting God's Image) 10