P. 34

6.     Find out how the sparrow and lamb show us humility. Look up Psalm 84:3 and
               Matthew 10:29.

        7.     Do you consider yourself to be humble?  How could you be more humble?


        Week 2

        Truth to Teach (Source)

        Joshua 1:9  ‘...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for

               the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’

        1.     To define courage (See definitions)

        2.     To show the children that although we face frightening situations from time to time,

               God is with us at all times and will give us courage.

        3.     To look at the lives of people who show us how to respond when we are afraid.

        4.     To put the children into groups to begin their first in-depth study of a character trait.

        Way to Work (Means)

        1.     Review the introductory lesson.

        2.     Read excerpts from a story of an explorer, eg. Christopher Columbus.  Talk about   the
        fears he may have had and which character trait he would have especially needed.

        3.     Discuss what the children understand by courage and give opportunity for them to
               share when they personally have needed courage.

                                           (Reflecting God's Image)          15
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