P. 35
4. Talk about the definitions of courage.
5. Let the children complete the worksheet and decorate their cover page with other
pictures of courageous people. Some may like to start with the one given, some
may use the internet to gather pictures to create their own.
6. Gather back after a set time to share answers and show cover sheets.
7. Divide the children into small groups so that they may work at home and/or in
school to study one of the character traits in greater depth with the view of giving a
presentation to the rest of the class in a set number of weeks.
8. Let the children read their prayers for courage or pray for one another.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
It is hoped that the children will increasingly realise that God is with them at all times and
will respond to their prayers for courage. They should be learning to recognise potentially
frightening situations and be postured to pray rather than to panic. They should also be
learning from other people’s examples of how to remain at peace and proceed courageously
in difficult situations.
(Reflecting God's Image) 16