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P. 18

Charlotte Mason Picture Study Aid                                            Peter Paul Rubens

                St. George Battles the Dragon

                                                               1606 - 1608
                                                               oil on canvas
                                                               309 x 257 cm
                                                               Museo del Prado, Madrid
                Based on the legend of “St. George and the Dragon” from the Golden Legend (see below)

                KEY TOPICS:

                   •  St. George can be seen in the top left raising his sword to kill the dragon. Behind him is the
                       princess holding a lamb (which is customarily used to symbolize innocence).

                   •  In the dragon’s mouth is a lance (in the shape of a cross) that St. George had thrown at him

                       earlier in the battle.

                St. George and the Dragon
                from The Book of Legends by Horace E. Scudder

                IN the country of Libya in Asia Minor there was a town called Silene, and near the town was a

                pond, and this pond was the roving place of a monster dragon. Many times had great armies been
                sent to slay him, but never had they been able to overcome him. Instead, he had driven them back to

                the walls of the city.

                3  (Museo del Prado)

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