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P. 23

Charlotte Mason Picture Study Aid                                            Peter Paul Rubens

                Rubens, His Wife Helena Fourment, and Their Son Frans

                                                       c. 1635
                                                       oil on wood
                                                       203.8 cm x 158.1 cm
                                                        Metropolitan Museum of Art

                KEY TOPICS:
                   •  The subject is Rubens, his second wife, Helena Fourment, and a child who is thought to be

                       their son, Frans. The setting is a garden.
                   •  Speculation has risen over the years about the child who many thought to be the Rubens’

                       oldest child, a daughter named Clara Joanna, because it is the only child in the scene.

                       However, costume experts, who are often able to date paintings and identify figures based
                       on their clothing alone, have come to the conclusion that the child is a boy due to the collar

                       and sash (or baldric) he is wearing which echo his father’s clothing and were common for

                       boys to wear at the time.
                   •  In the upper-right of the painting is a parrot (symbolizing Mary and purity in reference to

                       Helena) on a rosebush above a fountain.  To the left of the figures and slightly behind
                       Rubens’ hat is a statue in the Greek style known as a caryatid.  These were often used as
                       decorative pillars supporting the entablature (comprising the architrave, frieze, and cornice)
                       of Greek temples.

                8  (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

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