Page 66 - DINQ Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 66

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                  r emebering                                            author    Kebede     Haile

                                                                           (በከበደ ኃይሌ)

                                                                         GREATEST    MOMENTS,    AMONG    OTHERS

           �y views stated here  greatest  performances  as  with others to give a lasting
       under is indeed the general  the  loss  of  beloved  broth-              image.
       consensus  of  the  Ethiopian  er.  The  father  of  two,  Late               But among all of that he
       community. I wrote this note  Tewodros  tirelessly  worked  will forever be remembered
       in  English  language  to  give  as  a  Radio  Broadcaster  for his joyful messages when
       an  opportunity  to  that  En-      and  Writer.  He  had  been  he addresses the opening of
       glish  language  is  their  pref-   amongst  us  actively  serving  his  radio  transmitting  for-
       erence  so  that  they  know  the Ethiopian community for  mulas  was  throwing  jokes
       who Teddy was and what  more than 20 years working  related  to  the  subject  mat-
       he  accomplished  during  his  to improve the delivery and  ters he talking while he was
       many  years  of  community  comprehension  of  informa-                  transmitting,  listeners’  fun-
       services.                           tion to readers and listen-          niest  answers  they  give  to
           The  man  behind  Dinq  ers. Teddy is survived by two  question  and  answer  com-
       Megazine and Admas Radio  children and his wife.                         putation  for  his  sponsors’
       suddenly died while he was               When  the  news  of  Te-        offered prizes.
       broadcasting  his  Saturday  wodros’s  death  broke,  the                     As  he  was  work  alcoholic,
       afternoon  radio  program.  following  Saturday,  his  ad-               he determined to run his own
       In  his  honor,  the  Ethiopi-      mirers,  writers,  associates,  business  than  working  for  a
       an community recounts his  friends,  colleagues  jammed  company and he began to be a
                                           his  radio  program  by  airing  Radio  Broadcaster  and  writer
                                           of their grievances and emis-        to serve his community for pur-
                                           sion,  his  personal  life  and  pose  he  had  in  mind.  He  was
                                           aired their remembrance  business minded to eventually
                                           and  promised  to  continue  drag  him  into  advertisement
                                           his  legacy  he  has  founded  business.  Business  competi-
                                           and  administered  weekly  tion challenges made him hard
                                           Admas  Radio  and  monthly  working  person  that  changes
                                           Dinq  Magazine.  Of  course,  course and uproot his life. That
                                           his  wife  Rahel  Kassa,  she  was  how  Dink  Magazine  grew
                                           herself  is  an  Editorial  Man-     to be distributed in ten cities
                                           ager who enlisting herself to  of the US where the Ethiopian

                                           leading,  strengthen,  and  to  resided.
                                           continue the project he has
                                           left  behind  in  cooperation               (Continued to page 81)

            Page 66                                                           “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር“                ድንቅ መጽሔት -  ሰኔ 2012

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