Page 24 - MPD_Summer_2018_Program_Catalog_Final-2
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Registration is currently open and all registration must be We love our parents, but…with your child’s best interest in
completed (unless otherwise noted) by the stated deadline mind; we ask that parents and siblings do not remain in
date. Registrations will be taken until a program has reached the building when dropping your child off for class, unless
either its maximum or its deadline date. If a program is otherwise noted. This can be a distraction and interfere with
full, you may request to be put on a waiting list for the the quality and productivity of the class. Also, we know
current season only. Those who have outstanding balances that children benefit from having recreational time with
must settle their account before future registrations will be their peers and can gain a sense of independence when
processed. spending time apart from their families while partaking in
HOW TO REGISTER: a structured activity. Our instructors welcome any questions
about your child’s progress at any time after class. Thank
By Mail/Fax: Complete the registration form in this
brochure or download from you for your cooperation.
and mail to 397 S. State Street, Manhattan, IL 60442. DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR
Fax: 815.478.3428
Manhattan Park District reserves the right to terminate
In Person: At the Recreation Center - 397 S. State Street, participation in an activity or program due to disruptive
Manhattan, IL 60442 behavior or conduct, as determined by the Manhattan Park
After Hours: Place registration form and payment in the District.
locked drop box outside the Recreation Center.
The Manhattan Park District uses pictures of event and
Visit our web site for a complete list of current policies. program participants to highlight the many recreational
activities available. We do not use identification in our
BROCHURE DISTRIBUTION brochure or other print opportunities. If you do not want
Manhattan Park District relies on the postal service for the a picture of yourself or your child taken, please tell the
distribution of our program brochures, and assumes no photographer and/or the instructor.
responsibility for delivery. Brochures can be obtained at the
When visiting local parks and trails with your pet, please
CANCELLATIONS remember that park district and village ordinances require
Contact the Manhattan Park District at 815.478.3324 for pets to be leashed at all times. Owners are responsible for
updates on program status. Participants registered for cleaning up any animal waste from public property.
programs that are cancelled will be contacted. We attempt
to reschedule programs that have been cancelled due to LINCOLN-WAY SPECIAL RECREATION
unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather, facility ASSOCIATION INCLUSION AIDE
or instructor emergencies or scheduling conflict; and are PROCEDURES
occasionally unable to provide make up classes or refunds. We understand that not every person with a disability needs
REFUND POLICY to participate in special recreation programs. LWSRA offers
inclusion to residents of our park district as one of their
Refunds will not be issued after the program deadline date. many services. Please contact LWSRA at 815.320.3500 for
At the discretion of Manhattan Park District, a refund may be further information.
issued if a refund request is accompanied by documentation
from a physician. A refund will be promptly issued if the
program or trip is cancelled by Manhattan Park District.
Absolutely NO refunds are issued for bus trips that have
met their minimum.
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