Page 25 - MPD_Summer_2018_Program_Catalog_Final-2
P. 25


                                            *Please complete both sides of form*

        Parent/Guardian                                             Parent/Guardian
        Last Name __________________________________________________ First Name _______________________________________
        Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
        City/Zip _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
        Home Phone  ______________________________________________ Cell Phone  _________________________________________
        Emergency Contact _________________________________________ Phone  ____________________________________________
        Email _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                       Participant’s First Name                                               OFFICE
              Receipt #         Date     Last Name if Different from  Age        Program               Fee     USE
                                             Parent/Guardian                                                   ONLY

          Non-Resident Fee: $5.00 each program

          Non-Residents check here to receive brochure by mail        Total

        Registration Policy: All registration must be completed, unless otherwise noted, by the stated deadline date. Registration will be taken
        until a program has reached either its maximum or its deadline date. If a program is full, you may request to be put on waiting list for the
        current season only. Those who have outstanding balances must settle their account before future registrations will be processed.
        How to Register:  By Mail: Complete the registration form in this brochure and mail to 397 S. State Street, Manhattan, IL 60442
                       In Person: At the Recreation Center - 397 S. State Street, Manhattan, IL 60442
                       After Hours: Place registration form and payment in the locked drop box outside the Recreation Center.
                       On-line: At
        Cancellations/Refund Policies:
        Please see details at: Manhattan Park District brochure or our Website:

        Intending to be legally bound, I release all claims for damages to me or my child and give permission to participate in Manhattan
        Park District programs and cooperative programs with other park districts. The Manhattan Park District, any other cooperative park
        districts, and independent contractors assume no responsibility for injury or loss of personal property.

        Signature:  ____________________________________________________________________________   Date:  ________________

                                                                                  Check or Money Order Payable To:
           Please circle payment type:
                                                                                         Manhattan Park District
           Billing Address Code: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___                                          Mail To:
           Account #: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  Manhattan Park District • 397 S. State Street
           Expiration Date: ___ ___ / ___ ___        SECURITY CODE: ___ ___ ___           Manhattan, IL 60442
           Cardholder Name:________________________________________________________  Upon Receipt of Your Brochure:
           Billing Address:__________________________________________________________  Mail-In, Fax-In 815.478.3428
           Amount of Charge: $ __________________                                On-line @
           Authorized Signature:  ____________________________________________________  Or Drop Off Your Registration
           (The MPD reserves the right to change a payment to reflect the correct fee.)  NSF fee of $25 will be assessed for all returned checks.

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