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        BABYSITTER NETWORK                                       MANHATTAN WOMAN’S CLUB
        If you like to babysit and want to advertise your services, call   PO BOX 571, MANHATTAN, IL 60442
        the Manhattan Park District office at 815.478.3324 and ask   PATRICA HEITMAN, PRESIDENT
        to have your name placed on our list. If you are looking for a   BARB DAUGHERTY, MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN
        babysitter call our office to request a list. Please note that the   General meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the
        Manhattan Park District does not make recommendations,   month, location varies.
        parents are solely responsible for interviewing and choosing
        an appropriate babysitter.                               Call Barb at 815.478.3913 for meeting location, guest
                                                                 reservation, or general information.
        MANHATTAN NEIGHBORHOOD                                   CURTAIN CALL THEATRE
                                                                 For ticket information or questions visit www.ccctheatre.
        Established in the fall of 1997 to assist those in need in the   com.or call the box office at 708-607-2281.
        Manhattan area, the Food Pantry is open on the first and
        third Mondays of the month from 6:30-7:30 pm (with some   DISTRICT 210 AQUATIC FACILITIES
        exceptions). For more information on dates visit the Township   LINCOLN-WAY WEST & CENTRAL
        website at The Food Pantry    WALKING PASSES
        is located at the Township Building, 230 Wabash St. Food
        Pantry donation bins are located at Berkot’s Foods and   Please contact any Aquatic Center for further information.
        at  the  Village  Hall.  For  questions  call  815.478.5118  or   Central High School    815.462.2326
        815.351.5165.                                            East High School    815.464.4175
                                                                 West High School   815.717.3526
        SOCIETY AND MUSEUM                                       MANHATTAN-ELWOOD

        The mission of the society is to preserve the history of the   PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT
        Manhattan area. Please email us at ManhattanHistorical@  240 WHITSON ST., PO BOX 53, MANHATTAN or call 815-478-4530 if you have artifacts that   SERVING JACKSON AND
        you would like to donate. Our meetings are open to the   MANHATTAN TOWNSHIPS
        public on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm at   PHONE 815.478.3987 • FAX 815.478.3988
        the Museum 255 S. State St. There is no December meeting.   Hours:    Monday-Thursday    10:00 am-8:00 pm
        The Museum is open Oct. 14 and Nov. 11 from 10am to                Friday             10:00 am-5:00 pm
        2pm or by request. It will also be open for Christmas on State      Saturday          10:00 am-3:00 pm
        Dec. 2, 2017, from 10am until parade time. The Museum is           Sunday             Closed
        also open during the second and fourth Wednesdays’ work
        days from 9am to noon.                                   We are dedicated to serving the residents of Manhattan
                                                                 and Elwood by providing a wide variety of books, audio
        Visit for more   books, e-books, CDs, DVDs and video games. In addition
        information.                                             to providing virtually unlimited access to information, we
        GIRL SCOUTS OF GREATER CHICAGO                           also provide numerous FREE programs and activities that
        NORTHWEST INDIANA                                        enlighten, entertain and enrich the lives of those in our
        Girl Scouting is committed to offering a wide range of
        activities, workshops, camps, and interactive learning   If you haven’t visited us in a while, we invite you to stop
                                                                 by and see the many changes that have taken place over
        opportunities that encourage girls ages 5-17 to make new
        friends, discover their strengths and leadership qualities and   the last year! Our Children and Teens now have their own
                                                                 space to spread out a little, and we have added much
        learn new things. Manhattan Service Unit 716. Contact
        Mandie Wade at 708.212.1570 or ManhattanGirlScouts@      needed seating areas in the main library. for more information about  joining or

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