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              Manhattan, IL 60442

                     A SIP OF                       SUMMER

                                           Concert  Series

     JUNE 20         TH


                                           Johnny Russler &

                                           The Beach Bum Band                               Central Park

                                           Island, warm weather, and beach music with     CONCESSIONS
                                           variety for everybody, and enough Buffett
                                           music to please the Parrothead crowd.       Beer     • Wine       • BBQ

               All Ages                                                           JULY 18       TH

                                                                                  Spoken Four

                                                                                  Spoken Four performs high energy
                                                                                  party covers spanning the 60's through
     AUGUST 15            TH                                                      today's Top 40. Family oriented with tons
                                                                                  of mashups and non-stop excitement.

                                      Hillybilly Rockstarz

                                      Hillbilly Rockstarz are Chicago's very own country super group.
                                      Covering the latest hits in country music including some of
                                      everyone's classic favorites. This band is always true to the
                                      original recording, so they always gotcha covered.
                                      Every show is guaranteed good times...Hillbilly style!
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