Page 4 - VetCPD Jnl Volume 7, Issue 4
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Tutored Online CPD Courses
11-31 January 2021: Cytology of Fluids
   11-31 January 2021:
Wound Management in dogs and cats
Samantha Bell BSc(Hons)DipAVN DipHECVN RVN
This course will look at various different aspects, and considerations, for wound management through all stages; from initial presentation and assessment of the traumatic
wound patient, including lavage and debridement techniques, to selection of dressings for open wound management, to surgical closure. Aimed at vet nurses and vets.
• Module 1: Triage and Initial Assessment of Wounds and the Wound Healing Process • Module 2: Lavage and Debridement Techniques • Module 3: Common Wound Dressings • Module 4: Factors Resulting in Delayed Wound Healing • Module 5: Surgical Wound Closure including Infection Control Considerations
11-31 January 2021:
Infection Prevention and Control
Chloe Fay BSc(Hons) RVN CertVN ECC VTS (ECC)
This course is designed to cover the broad spectrum of topics involved with infection prevention and control, within veterinary practice. Discussion of the basic principles of infection
control such as hand hygiene, the use of PPE, attire and disinfection will help to prevent hospital acquired infections, as well as addressing how we can improve our protocols especially
when faced with the current pandemic. The later modules will also look at specialist areas such as the prevention of surgical site infections, preparation of the surgical patient and how to provide specialist nursing care to patients with various infectious diseases. Aimed at vet nurses, plus vets are very welcome.
• Module 1: Principles of Biosecurity • Module 2: Hospital Acquired infections (HAIs) • Module 3: Nursing Care of Infectious Patients • Module 4: Infection Prevention and Control for the Surgical Patient
11-31 January 2021:
Toxicology in Small Animal Practice - Part 1 Susanna Solbak
8 Hours CPD
Francesco Cian, DVM, DipECVCP, FRCPath, MRCVS, European Specialist in Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Aimed at vets & nurses
This course will give you all the information you need for collection, handling and cytological examination of body fluids in dogs and cats, from cavitary effusions (pleural, pericardial,
     8 Hours CPD
and peritoneal), to synovial fluids, tracheal washes (TWs) / bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs), cerebrospinal fluids (CSFs) and urine. Clinical case challenges and diagnostic algorithms will also be provided to help you understand the concepts presented and to consolidate your knowledge.
• Module 1: Sampling techniques, slide staining and submission of body fluid samples to external laboratories • Module 2: Cavitary effusions (pleural, pericardial, peritoneal) • Module 3: Tracheal washes / bronchoalveolar lavages • Module 4: Synovial fluids • Module 5: Cerebrospinal fluids • Module 6: Urine
8-28 February 2021:
Canine and Feline Dentistry
      8 Hours CPD
 8 Hours CPD
Rachel Perry BSc, BVM&S, MANZCVS (Small Animal Dentistry & Oral Surgery), Dip.EVDC, MRCVS, European Diplomate in Veterinary Dentistry
Canine and feline dentistry is undergoing a paradigm shift. It no longer has to be stressful and can even become enjoyable by learning a
few key concepts and skills. Become a better practitioner and serve your clients and patients to the best of your ability. Join this course with open eyes and an inquisitive mind and re-learn what you thought you knew. Aimed at vets and vet nurses.
8-28 February 2021: Rabbit Clinical Care Livia Benato DVM MSc CertZooMed DipACVECC MRCVS
This course will cover how to approach any toxin exposure in small animal practice. It will also provide you with a comprehensive overview on how to recognize and manage the most common toxins encountered. Some modules will be based
8 Hours CPD
Dip ECZM (Small Mammals) MRCVS
This course explores topics such as anaesthesia and peri-operative care, surgery (neutering, urinary and GI tract surgery, abscess treatment, ear surgery, dentistry), critical care and emergency treatment, as well as the approach
  8 Hours CPD
to care for geriatric patients. Clinical cases will be provided to help participants understand the concepts presented. Aimed at vets and vet nurses.
• Module 1. Anaesthesia and peri-operative care • Module 2: Surgery • Module 3: Critical care and emergency treatment
• Module 4: Geriatric patients • Module 5, 6 & 7: Clinical cases to help participants understand the concepts presented
on symptoms and organ systems affected, while others will focus on specific common toxins. Aimed at vets and vet nurses.
• Module 1: Toxin ingestion – a general approach • Module
2: Antidotes • Module 3: Tremorogenic toxins • Module 4: Hepatotoxins • Module 5: Renal toxins • Module 6: Cardiotoxins • Module 7: Illicit drugs
 NEW for 2021!
NEW for 2021!
ONLY £149
ONLY £149
ONLY £149

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