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Tutored Online CPD Courses
   8-28 February 2021: Emergency and Critical Care for Veterinary Nurses - Part 1
8-28 February 2021: Toxicology in Small Animal Practice - Part 2
 Chloe Fay BSc(Hons) RVN CertVN ECC VTS (ECC)
This course will look at dealing with the presentation of emergency patient and how we can accurately assess and prioritise treatment for patients, along with looking at some common organ system presentations and
8 Hours CPD
Susanna Solbak DipACVECC MRCVS
This course will cover how to approach
any toxin exposure in small animal practice.
It will also provide you with a comprehensive overview on how to recognize and manage the
   8 Hours CPD
most common toxins encountered. Some modules will be based on symptoms and organ systems affected, while others will focus on specific common toxins. Aimed at vets and vet nurses.
• Module 1: Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) • Module 2: Rodenticides • Module 3: Ethylene glycol • Module 4: Chocolate and other methylxantines • Module 5: Calcium channel and b-blockers
• Module 6: Serotonin syndrome • Module 7: Methemoglobinemia
8-28 February 2021: Diabetes in cats and dogs
Dr Kit Sturgess MA VetMB PhD CertVR
DSAM CertVC FRCVS. RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Medicine.
Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology.
This course will cover pathophysiology and
aetiology of diabetes mellitus in cats and
dogs, its diagnosis, management and monitoring, and address the
handling of diabetic emergencies – ketoacidosis, hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar syndrome. Case studies will be used throughout the modular series along with a forum for discussion and final MCQ exam. Aimed at vets and vet nurses. • Module 1: Pathophysiology and aetiology of diabetes mellitus (DM) in cats and dogs • Module 2: Diagnosis and monitoring of routine cases • Module 3: Creating a multimodal management plan • Module 4: Rational approach to the complicated DM patients
• Module 5: Diabetic emergencies – ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS) and hypoglycaemia
8-28 February 2021:
Advances in Canine Dermatology
specific indications for treatment, including the placement of tubes and drains. Aimed at Vet Nurses (Vet ECC course in May).
• Module 1: Triage and Initial Patient Assessment • Module 2: Shock and Emergency Fluid Therapy • Module 3: Dealing with respiratoryemergencies •Module4:NursingCareoftheRenal and Urinary Emergency • Module 5: Dealing with traumatic wounds and fractures
8-28 February 2021:
Acute Pain Management in Dogs and Cats
Joanna Potter BSc, BVMS, BMus, MANZCVS, MRCVS, Dip. ECVAA
This course consists of lectures to assist identifying, assessing severity and management of pain in the general practice setting.
The course will cover pain pathways, and the pharmacology of the agents we use and the
presentations that are common in general practice, from the non-painful presentation to the emergent and painful patient. There are case studies including geriatric, co-morbid and neonatal presentations as well as local and regional techniques that are useful in general practice. Aimed at vets and nurses.
8-28 February 2021: Small Animal Nutrition Marge Chandler DVM, MS, MANZCVS,
    8 Hours CPD
  8 Hours CPD
     8 Hours CPD
This course will cover the information you need to answer owners’ questions about what to feed their puppies, kittens and adult dogs and cats, including questions about homemade diets, raw
Dr Anita Patel BVM DVD FRCVS
RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology
This course will update you on current good practice in the approach to, diagnosis of and treatments for dermatological problems in
feeding, vegetarianism, natural diets, and diets free from grains or glutens. You will learn how to understand and compare pet food labels including the ingredient list and nutrient information. Moving on from healthy pets, the course will discuss nutritional therapy for chronic kidney disease, lower urinary tract disorders including urolithiasis, dermatological disorders, and an overview of diet in gastrointestinal disorders. Aimed at vets and vet nurses. • Module 1: Nutritional assessment of pet and diet • Module 2: Life stage feeding • Module 3: Alternative and raw food diets – what is the evidence? • Module 4: Dietary management of chronic kidney disease • Module 5: Dietary management of lower urinary tract diseases • Module 6: The role of diet in dermatological disorders • Module 7: An overview of diet in gastrointestinal disorders
8 Hours CPD
dogs. There seven modules on the most common dermatological diseases that you are likely to encounter.. Aimed at vets & nurses.
• Module 1: The dermatology consultation in general practice • Module 2: Diagnosis, treatment and management of atopic
dermatitis • Module 3: Diagnosis and management of adverse food reactions in the dog • Module 4: Ectoparasitic diseases
• Module 5: Diagnosis and management of pyoderma
• Module 6: Immune-mediated diseases in dogs
• Module 7: Diagnostic approach to dogs with otitis externa
  ONLY £149
ONLY £149
ONLY £149
ONLY £149

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