Page 20 - Our Hands Fall/Winter 2021
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               Create your own ripple of life-changing support by giving
               to the Good Samaritan Fund this holiday season!


            When people give to Samaritas, they often decide to write a check or give online. Because each gift is a blessing to
            us, we  want to be a blessing to you in return and remind you that it can be  wise to consider other gifts – including
            non-cash gift options too.
            During this ultimate season of Gifts Given and Received, we are sharing some of the emerging choices more and
            more of our Samaritas partners are using to help support our Mission this year.

                                                1. Gifts of Stock – like Carolyn did!  She says, “I had some stocks that have
                                                continued to appreciate – it was PAINFUL to see how much of their current
                                                 value and gains would be taxed. Giving a few shares to Samaritas to help
                                                 support so many of the programs that are near and dear to my heart while
                                                 avoiding those significant capital gains feels like it’s too good to be true!”

                                                 2. Gifts from an IRA – like Steve did! “Now that we’re in our 70’s, we’ve been
                                                  taking advantage of this tax-saving option for the past several years. Although
                                                  inheriting assets from our IRA would be a highly taxed gift for our children to
                                                  receive, it’s an IDEAL way to support the work and missions we care about like
                                                  Samaritas. We have shared this with our children, and they think it’s a great
                                                   idea as well!”

                                                   3. Gifts from a Donor Advised Fund – like Robert and Becky did! “We love
                                                   the ease and convenience of supporting specific charities like Samaritas
                                                   each year through our Donor Advised Fund. We plan those gifts in advance,
                                                    and also have this pool of funds at the ready to make additional gifts like we
                                                    did to help Samaritas welcome New Americans to their new homes here in
                                                    Michigan after suffering such terror and trauma in their countries of origin.”

            4. Naming Samaritas as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy – like Mary did! Mary had a life insurance policy
            she no longer needed, so she named Samaritas the beneficiary of that policy. As a result, when she passes away
            her legacy of faithful support will continue, and Samaritas is honored to recognize her as a member of the Heritage

            5. Including Samaritas as a beneficiary in your will - The most frequently used option is including Samaritas as
            the beneficiary of a specific percentage of your estate, generally 10-20% or more – and the options for giving are
            almost limitless. Check out the wonderful story about the gift of property Doris Schmidt gave on page 4.

            If you are wondering about which kinds of gift options might be best for you, please contact us. We are honored to
            help share specific resources and options to consider.

            For Stock, IRA or Donor Advised Fund gift information, please contact: Jessica Scalabrino, (313) 308.8892 or
            For information about other planned gifts through life insurance, in your will or more, please contact:
            DeeDee McVety, (248) 953,1944 or
            You can also find more information on our website:

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