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                 Information on Directors
Dr Jan Kencian Secretary/Treasurer
BMed (Hons) FRCPA
Jan Kencian is an anatomical pathologist based in Brisbane at Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology. Previous to her move to Brisbane she spent 20 years
in Far North Queensland, the last 12 as supervising pathologist for Sullivan Nicolaides in Cairns, Queensland. She is a medical graduate of the University
of Newcastle, NSW. After resident training at the Royal Newcastle and Gosford Hospitals she undertook anatomical pathology as a registrar at Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards NSW achieving FRCPA in 1993. Jan has held several roles over the years with IAP and was Treasurer of IAP Australasian Division for 3 years and a Board member for 5 years. Over the years she has represented Far North Queensland on many groups including Queensland Breast Screen and Queensland State Cervical Cytology Register Working Group. She was elected as RCPA Secretary/Treasurer in November 2013, the  rst person to hold the dual role.
Associate Professor Tony Landgren
Chairman, Board of Education and Assessment
MBBS LLB FRCPA FACLM Barrister & Solicitor Supreme Court of Victoria.
Tony Landgren is a graduate in Medicine and Law from the University of Melbourne. He trained in Anatomical and Forensic Pathology in Victoria
and was admitted to Fellowship in 1990. Tony has worked as a pathologist
and administrator in private and public practice in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States. He is Chair of the Department of Anatomical Pathology at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and Medical Director/ Chief Pathologist at Australian Clinical Labs. His legal practice specialises in Commercial and Biotechnology Law. He holds academic appointments at the University of Melbourne. He is a Director of RCPA Quality Assurance Programs Pty Ltd, Chair of the RCPA Board of Education and Assessment and a Director of NATA.
 ANNUAL REPORT • 2017 - 2018

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