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                Information on Directors
Associate Professor Merrole Cole-Sinclair Council Representative, Advisory Committees
A graduate in Medicine and Science from the University of Melbourne, Merrole trained in laboratory and clinical haematology through the Joint Specialist Advisory Committee [JSAC, RCPA and RACP] and has been a staff specialist in the Victorian public hospital sector since returning to Australia in 1993 after
a Clinical Research Fellowship in London. She is currently Director, Laboratory Haematology and Clinical Haematologist at St Vincent’s Health Melbourne and holds an Honorary Academic Appointment with the Department of Pathology at the University of Melbourne. Merrole has an interest in diagnostic haematology, teaching and transfusion medicine and since 2008 has chaired the Transfusion Outcomes Research Collaborative, an ARCBS and Monash University partnership and is an Honorary life member of the ANZSBT. She served as RCPA Chief Examiner in Haematology (2007-2012) and Chair of
JCTC for Haematology and currently Chairs the RCPA Haematology Advisory Committee. She is a current member of NPAAC and its Transfusion Laboratory Practice working group. RCPA Council appointed her in November 2014 to the Board of Directors as the Discipline Advisory Committee representative.
Prof John Burnett
Council Representative, General
Dr Burnett received his undergraduate medical education at the University of Otago and was admitted to Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists
of Australasia (Chemical Pathology) in 1992. He was a Fellow in Medical Biochemistry at the Robarts Research Institute and University of Western Ontario and recipient of a Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Research Fellowship. Dr Burnett was awarded a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Western Ontario in 1998 and the higher degree of MD from the University
of Otago in 2004. He moved to Australia in 1999 and is currently Consultant Chemical Pathologist in the Department of Clinical Biochemistry at PathWest Royal Perth Hospital and Fiona Stanley Hospital Network, and Clinical Professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Western Australia. Dr Burnett is an Associate Editor of Pathology, has been a member of the WA State Committee since 2000 and was WA Councillor from 2006-2010. On the  rst Committee of and an Examiner for the Faculty of Science, he is currently Chair of the Chemical Pathology Advisory Committee.
 ANNUAL REPORT • 2017 - 2018

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