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Information on Directors
Dr Lawrence Bott
Chairman, Board of Professional Practice and Quality
Lawrie Bott graduated from the University of Sydney and trained as a General Pathologist, obtaining Fellowship in 1989. He has worked as a General Pathologist in private practice in NSW, country Victoria, and Tasmania. He joined Barratt & Smith Pathology in 1990 and was made CEO in 1995. In 2000 he became CEO at Southern Pathology (now Southern IML) Wollongong. In 2006 he moved to Tasmania as CEO of Diagnostic Services Pty Ltd comprising Hobart, Launceston and North West Pathology. As well as General Pathologist and
CEO of Southern IML Pathology, Lawrie is now Chief Medical Of cer for Sonic Healthcare, Australian Pathology (since 2017). He served as RCPA Honorary Secretary (2000-2004), Chair of the Overseeing Committee for Pathology Update (2001-2004), NSW State Councillor (2005-2007), Member, Deputy Chair and Chair of PPAC from 2004 and now Chair of BPPQ. He was a long-term Director of RCPA Quality Assurance Programs Pty Ltd (2000-2018), Councillor for Tasmania (2011-2013) and on many College committees, particularly related to Informatics and e-Health. He has been a representative on many external organisations and holds a RCPA Meritorious Service Award received in 2013.
Professor Roger Wilson
Council Representative for States and Regions
MBChB, FRCPA, FRACMA, Dip Microbiol, Grad Dip Health Law (with Distinction)
Roger graduated from Otago University in 1977 and rotated through each discipline of pathology at Dunedin Hospital before completing training in microbiology at Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney and being admitted to Fellowship (1985). He was a consultant Clinical Microbiologist at Royal Perth Hospital from 1986 and moved to the Nepean & Blue Mountains Pathology Service in 1996 as Director of Pathology. Appointed Executive Director of South Eastern Area Laboratory Services (SEALS) in 2001 he remained there until appointed as inaugural Chief Pathologist of ‘NSW Health Pathology’ in April 2013. Roger is a Fellow of RACMA, holds an appointment as Conjoint Professor at UNSW, was President of NCOPP (2006-2010), has represented NSW Health on NPAAC since 2007 and is currently Chair of the NPAAC Strategy and Risk Committee. Roger was elected Councillor for NSW/ACT in 2012 and in November 2013 appointed to the Board of Directors by the Council Committee representing State and Regional Councillors.
ANNUAL REPORT • 2017 - 2018