Page 27 - Spring 2012
P. 27

England Ladies 2:Layout 1  16/05/2012  09:32  Page 1

              The Armagh ladies again showed their                                                           27
              strength in the final session of the day
              winning four of the six rinks to bring the
              closing score on Saturday to 30-26 points
              and 312-280 shots in favour of England.
              To celebrate a great day of bowling, both
              teams relaxed at a dinner at the Bedford-
              shire Golf Club, Stagsden followed by en-
              tertainment  from  Irish  singer  Sean
                    Sunday’s sessions were played at
              Kempston Indoor Bowls club and once                Umpires at the England ladies weekend
              again  the  England  ladies  had  a  strong
              start, taking the first session of individuals by 12-4 points with +14 shots and continued adding
              to their lead with an 8-4 points +9 shots win in the second session. The third session was
              shared, 4 mats each, which guaranteed the England ladies the overall win in the competition,
              bringing the scores to 58-42 with only 12 points at stake in the final session.
                    The Armagh ladies did not give in but the England ladies dug deep and held on to take
              a further 5 points from the final session to finally win by 63 points to 49 and 609-558 shots.
              Well done to all those that played in the competition over the two days. The standard of bowl-
              ing was very high and the spirit in which the game was played was a credit to both teams. All
              photos courtesy of Derek Beardsley, who kindly stepped in as I had left mine behind.
              The selected players were as follows:-
                   Lesley Fennell  (Cheshire)          Elise Daniell  (Cornwall)     Lorraine Axtell  (Devon)
                   Bryony Ford    (Dorset)             Babs Morokutti  (Essex)       Sylvia Kendall  (Hants)
                   Shirley Cox     (Herefordshire)
                   Isobel Wardley    (Herefordshire)
                   Jeanette Gayler     (Herts)
                   Sue Murray     (Herts)
                   Linda Wynn     (Kent)
                   Jean Dennington    (London)
                   Jan Hedges     (London)
                   Kim Bridge     (Norfolk)
                   Debbie Phillips     (Norfolk)
                   Jean Woods     (Norfolk)
                   Rachel Pedley     (Northants)
                   Pat Beardsley     (N Yorks)
                   Rose Haynes     (N Yorks)
                   Bronagh Malone     (N Yorks)
                   Jacinta Townend    (N Yorks)
                   Gloria Smith    (Oxfordshire)
                   Hazel Berry     (Somerset)
                   Catherine Cowlin (Somerset)
                  Celia Jeans     (Somerset)
                  Pam Fayers    (Suffolk)
                  Nora  Martin    (Suffolk)
                  Pauline Freeman   (Warks)
                  Kath Hoole     (W Sussex)
                  Brenda Jones     (W Sussex)
                  Gillian Weston     (W Sussex)
                   Carole Hawkins
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