Page 15 - Spring 2020 final
P. 15

On-line Magazine_Layout 1  14/05/2020  11:43  Page 1

                                                                         STOP PRESS
                                                                       Hold the Phone

                                                                       INDOOR BOWLER

                                                                                   ON THE


                                                                               FOR FREE!

                                                                       Having looked through several of
                                                                       the last few issues, I finally decided
             it would be a great pity to leave Short Mat and Carpet Bowls without a publicity
             avenue. So, please ignore any comments I may have included elsewhere.
                   I did mention that I have the software to produce a page flipping magazine on
             the internet, so I will do this next year when we are all back bowling. Producing on
             the internet avoids anyone telling me their copy hasn’t arrived in the post, so they
             can get a free one for a friend! Yes, I’m not daft and this has happened several
             times over the years (when the cover has a relevant photo or there is a relevant

             article inside) but I duly sent out extra copies anyway.
                   I will try to stick to four copies a year but I will NOT be writing to you all as the
             postage is too large. I have cancelled two EMAIL addresses regarding the Short
             Mat Magazine and its Website, to save some money (almost £300), as the cost of
             them has risen very sharply lately. The cost of storing back issues will increase
             the cost of a website, so I need to economise somewhere.
                   Therefore, the magazine will be produced and will COST NOTHING to read.
             This should please all those Bowlers with deep pockets and short arms so they

             can’t reach their money. I have a draft Website for Indoor Bowler, as the name will
             remain the same with the aim of covering both Short Mat AND Carpet Bowls.
                   REMEMBER, this is a trial, as producing a magazine of course all depends
             on people sending me their news, views and stories, as without them there will no
             magazine at all.  Producing the magazine will require the same effort, as it will look
             just the same as a printed edition but I will no longer have to produce a set number
             of pages. With a printed copy I have to produce them in fours e.g. 36, 40 and 44
             and so on. On the internet I can have as many or as few as I need.
                   This decision has nothing to do with cow-towing to technology. I still prefer a
             printed magazine/booklet/newspaper in my hand but the logistics of producing a
             smaller circulation publication in a sport that does not want publicity are more dif-
             ficult and I will be 75 by the time I produce a new on-line magazine.

                   As an opening experiment, I have loaded up the last issue (Winter)
             and also all four of last year’s issues on Please
             have a look and let me know what you think, remembering it’s on-line

             or not at all! Does it look OK on your computer? I may also in time (I
             hope), put it up as a combined pdf, for those that don’t like the page
             flipping version.
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