Page 16 - SMI Spring 2017 Revised
P. 16

Page 16:Layout 1  25-Apr-17  7:16 AM  Page 1

                            EMILY THOMAS JOINS THE 
                            EMILY THOMAS JOINS THE 

           Andy Thomson meets one of our new short mat, Team Taylor recruits, Emily Thomas
           at the English Short Mat Championships at Melton Mowbray where they demon-
           strated Taylor  Bowls  latest  products  along  with Tony  Holland  from  "The  Bowls

           Shop",( one of Taylor Bowls very reputable stock-
                    Included  in  the
           demonstration  was  the
           new half pipe grip which is
           a new wonderful innova-

           tion  which  keeps  all  the
           characteristics of our ex-
           isting bowls models. Andy
           Thomson, MBE says; "If
           you prefer a grip on your
           bowls,  why  not  try  the
           new Half Pipe Grip.
                 It gives an enhanced
           feeling  of  control  giving

           you  confidence  to  try  a
           bigger  bowl  you  didn't
           think possible!  Very com-
           fortable in the hand pro-
           ducing       a    consistent,
           accurate delivery."

                                                                            You can order this grip on the
                                                                            following models: Ace, Vector
                                                                            VS,  Blaze  and  International.
                                                                            To find out more visit our web-

                                                                            or  visit  one  of  our  reputable

                                                                            stockists  listing  on  our  site.
                                                                            There is a link  to the BBC film
                                                                            about short mat bowls on the
                                                                            Dorset  Short  Mat  facebook
                                                                            page,  which  Emily  told  me
                                                                            about! We will also be adding
                                                                            this to our facebook page!
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