Page 36 - Winter 2018 19
P. 36

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             36                                                                   TOORAK
                                                                   This popular hotel group in Torquay once
                                                                   again staged a Breakaway Leisure holiday
                                                                        The opening evening competition saw
                                                                   the players mixed up and drawn out in fours.
                                                                   After four games and 16 ends against differ-
                                                                   ing teams Gordon Kelman, Maria Kitchener,
                                                                   Geoff  Cleave  and  Malcolm  Richards
                                                                   emerged victorious with a 10-shot margin.
             Bowls Drive Winners Gordon Kelman, Maria
                                                                        The  second  event  to  be  completed
            Kitchener, Geoff Cleave & Malcolm Richards
                                                                   was the 2-bowl singles. The first Semi-final
             saw two Brothers competing, Geoff and Edwin Cleave. in the end Geoff emerged victorious at
             9 - 4, after a cracking start winning the first six ends. In the
             other semi-final a very hard-fought match saw Richard Kitch-
             ener edge home 8 - 7 over Malcolm Richards.
                   The  final  was  even  harder  fought  and  started  with
             Richard Kitchener taking the first two ends for a 3 - 0 lead
             Back came Geoff Cleave and by the tenth and final end the
             final was all-square at 5 all in a low scoring game. On the
             sudden death extra end Richard Kitchener pinched a single
             to win 6 - 5.
                   The  Pairs  Semi-finals  saw  one  hard  and  one  easy
             match. June Hyde & Bryn Jones edged into the final 10 - 9
             by snatching a two on the last end against Mel Bowen & Liz              Finalist Geoff Cleave
             Durnford. Timothy & Janet Pearson had an easier time with                  and Champion
             a n 11 - 3 result over Arne Jaffe & Joan Northcott. In the Final         Richard Kitchener
             Bryn & June were in top form defeating Timothy & Janet.
                   In the Triples Semi-finals were also doing well with Janet on their side this time, finishing
             off with a five for an 11 - 1 victory over Eunice Thompson, Maria & Richard Kitchener. In the
             other Semi, Val Latham, Doug Owen & Eve Collingridge needed a four on the last end to draw
             against Jean Edwards, Alan Durnford & Mel Bowen but in the end conceded a four to lose 13 -
             5. The final was somewhat one-sided with Janet, Bryn & June winning 12 - 4.

                                                                  Triples Champions Janet Pearson,
                      Finalist Timothy & Janet Pearson               Bryn Jones & June Hyde with
                        with Winners Bryn Jones and                     Finalists Alan Durnford,
                                   June Hyde                          Jean Edwards & Mel Bowen
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