Page 32 - Winter 2018 19
P. 32

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                                                                             With a lot of emotion evident in the
                                                                             International     Arena       Claire
                                                                             Cranston, Lewis Cranston & Owen
                                                                             Cranston took to the mat against
                                                                             Kerry Greenacre, Diane Boswell &
                                                                             Mike Boswell in the Potter’s Shield
                                                                                   Boswell’s triple started well
                                                                             taking singles on the first two ends
                                                                             but a three on the third gave the
                                                                             Cranston’s     the    lead.    Mike
                                                                             Boswell’s triple levelled the game
                                                                             on  the  third  end  before  the
                             Potters Shield Finalists                        Cranston’s scored two more sin-
                             Potters Shield Finalists
                Diane & Mike Boswell and Kerry Greenacre                     gles to lead 5-3 with two ends re-
                Diane & Mike Boswell and Kerry Greenacre
             Mike Boswell pulled one shot back on the penultimate end but a three on the last end secured
             Claire Cranston, Lewis Cranston & Owen Cranston an 8-4 Potter’s Shield Final win and a warm
             round of applause from spectators. Presentations were then made by Potters Resort personality
             Mark Brewer and Potters Cup Weekend Organiser Teresa Goldsmith. The Most Relaxed Triple
             award was won by East Harling’s Dinah Markwell, Jennifer Galliford & George Cody.
             POTTER’S CASH PAIRS
              POTTER’S CASH PAIRS


                 Potters Cash Pairs Runners-up-
                 Potters Cash Pairs Runners-up-                       Potters Cash Pairs Winners
                                                                      Potters Cash Pairs Winners
                 Kerry Greenacre & Keith Cooke                             Celia & Chris Jeans
                                                                           Celia & Chris Jeans
                 Kerry Greenacre & Keith Cooke
             On Sunday the optional Potter’s Cash Pairs was played with all pairs playing six games each
             and the result decided by points followed by shots. The winners were Chris & Celia Jeans of
             Somerset who were the only unbeaten pair with five wins and a draw. Second were Kerry
             Greenacre of Haddiscoe and Keith Cooke of Halvergate with ten points and +22 shots. In third
             place were Debbie & Jon Sparham of Wymondham with ten points and +21 shots. Just missing
             out were Diane & Mike Boswell who finished on ten points and +17 shots.
             Wymondham retain Summer Cup after stunning comeback
              Wymondham retain Summer Cup after stunning comeback
                   Wymondham retained the Summer Cup after a classic final against Bob Carter at St Faiths
             ended in a 6-2 points win for the team in red. It is the fourth time in the last five years that
             Wymondham have tasted cup glory after previously beating Deaf Sports in 2014, Thorpe Marriott
             “B” in 2015 and Kirby Bedon in 2017.
                   Both teams opted to use just six players for the final with Jon Sparham, John Jeffery &
             Chris Mann of Wymondham facing Carter’s John Turner, Simon Willies & David Lamb on mat
             one while Mark Linsdell, Debbie Sparham & Jack Pye lined up for Wymondham on mat two
             against Nigel Willard, Melly Woods & Jason Woods. On mat one Wymondham started well with
             two good opening bowls by Jon Sparham putting them in control of the first end until an excellent
             wood by David Lamb earned his triple a 1-0 lead
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