Page 3 - Spring 2020 a
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Chat Spring 2020_Layout 1  14/05/2020  08:18  Page 1

                                                I  had  written  a  long           the  photos  were  far  too
                                                I  had  written  a  long
              3                                 goodbye article but after          dark.
                                                goodbye article but after
                                                I had read through some                 I took and sent photos
                                                I had read through some
                                                back  issues  looking  for         of the bad pages but they
                                                back  issues  looking  for
                                                an  item,  I  thought              couldn’t see the problem. I
                                                an  item,  I  thought  it it
                                                would be a great pity if           then  supplied  scans  with
                                                would be a great pity if  I  I
                                                simply threw the towel in
                                                simply threw the towel in          the same result,
                                                without at least trying an              In  the  end  I  had  to
                                                without at least trying an
                                                on-line magazine.                  send 10 copies off to Spain
                                                on-line magazine.
                                                     It  has  been  a  frus-       and they finally agreed and
                                                      It  has  been  a  frus-
                                                trating     yet  enjoyable         I got a free re-print.
                                                struggle  for  over  27
                                                struggle  for  over  27                 You may notice I said
                                                years,  showing  that              Spain!  So,  I  have  no  idea
                                                years,  showing  that  I I
                                                don’t quit easily.
              BOB’s RAMBLINGS                   don’t quit easily.                 other  than  Spain  exactly
               BOB’s RAMBLINGS
                                                  NOTE: The change
             The  majority  of   sub-
             The  majority  of   sub-             NOTE: The change                 where  the  magazine  is
                                                  to the internet has
             scribers  were  due  to              to the internet has              printed and despatched.
             scribers  were  due  to
             renew with the last issue          NOTHING to do with                      Whilst (as I write this),
             renew with the last issue
                                                 NOTHING to do with
             Winter  and  I  promised               technology but                 it is called the Spring issue,
             Winter  and  I  promised
                                                     technology but
             myself   that  depending           everything to do with              I have no idea exactly when
             myself   that  depending
             on  the  number  of   re-
             on  the  number  of   re-          everything to do with              the magazine will actually
                                                 unsustainable costs
             newals  I  would  make              unsustainable costs               be printed, so this may end
             newals  I  would  make  a a
                                                      and logistics.
             decision about the mag-
             decision about the mag-                 and logistics.                up  as  the  Summer  or  Au-
                                                The reduced number
             azine’s future.                    The reduced number                 tumn issue or whatever.
             azine’s future.
                   Looking at those not          of holidays I organ-                   When  I  originally  got
                   Looking at those not
                                                 of  holidays I organ-
             renewing,  my  decision
             renewing,  my  decision               ise can no longer               involved  with  Short  Mat
                                                   ise can no longer
             was that I will cease pub-               subsidise the                Bowls  in  1984  and  joined
             was that I will cease pub-
             lication with next year’s
             lication with next year’s                subsidise the                the  ESMBA  Committee,  I
                                                  magazine’s costs.
             winter  edition.  HOW-               magazine’s costs.                envisaged  a  much  bigger
             winter  edition.  HOW-
                                                I  have  the  software  to
             EVER,  the  situation  has         I  have  the  software  to         and brighter future for our
             EVER,  the  situation  has
                                                allow  me  to  produce  an
             been  overtaken  by  the
             been  overtaken  by  the           allow  me  to  produce  an         sport. As I suppose those in
                                                on-line  magazine  with  a a
             Coronavirus          problem       on-line  magazine  with            Carpet Bowls did also.
                                                page flipping facility.
             that has halted so many            page flipping facility.                 Alas,  small  minded
             that has halted so many
                                                      NOTE,  I  said  try  as
             things in our lives.                    NOTE,  I  said  try  as       parochial and power grab-
             things in our lives.
                                                this  still  all  depends  on
               Therefore, this will             this  still  all  depends  on      bing people ended up run-
               Therefore, this will
                                                people  supplying  arti-
              be my last PRINTED                people  supplying  arti-           ning  Short  Mat  at  various
              be my last PRINTED
                                                cles  -  news  -  stories,
                                                                                   times  AND  this  includes
                                                cles  -  news  -  stories,
                edition, barring a              without which there will           some local clubs as well.
                edition, barring a
                                                without which there will
             miracle intervention!              be nothing to publish!  If              Personal ambition has
             miracle intervention!
                                                be nothing to publish!  If
                Please note I said
               Please note I said               it  does  not  work  in  the       affected a number of deci-
                                                it  does  not  work  in  the
                     PRINTED.                   end then so be it!                 sions over the years as well
                                                end then so be it!
                   There are those who               For  those  without  in-      as  “Dictator  Syndrome”.  I
                   There are those who
             think I produce the mag-
             think I produce the mag-           ternet access I’m sorry but        have  been  surprised  that
             azine to sell holidays but         I do have to try.                  we  have  not  had  a  break-
             azine to sell holidays but
             for a number of  years we               For  health  reasons          away  movement  and  an-
             for a number of years we
             have  asked  most  new-
             have  asked  most  new-            Yvonne  and  I  hope  to  be       other National Association,
             comers  whether  or  not           wintering abroad sometime          as some other sports have
             comers  whether  or  not
             they saw the holidays              in  the  future  before  the       them.
             they saw the holidays in in
             the magazine.                      sand  runs  out  in  the  hour          It was tried years ago
             the magazine.
                   The  sad  answer  is is
                   The  sad  answer             glass of time.                     and there is a story to tell
             that virtually all of  them             The  last  issue  was         but not in the magazine!
             that virtually all of  them
             didn’t  even  know  the            about a month late as I re-             BobbyWeaf
             didn’t  even  know  the
             magazine existed!                  jected all the magazines, as
             magazine existed!
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