Page 41 - Spring 2020 a
P. 41

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                                        Photo Gallery                                                        41

                                        Its confession time! I decided to put all the Tournament Score-
                                        cards safely away. Indeed, so safely that I cannot find them to write a
                                        report but I still have the photos.
                                             Photography to be sure is not the best of my skills to say the least
                                        and my experiments at the Langstone cliff were basically a disaster but
                                        I have tried my best to rescue what I could.
                                             Putting the wrong setting on my very expensive camera was not
                                        my best decision and my apologies to the subjects involved, as the
                                        quality of photos is not as I would prefer.

              Potters Tournament

               Action on Finals day with Triples
               Action on Finals day with Triples
               on the left and Pairs on the right.
               on the left and Pairs on the right.

                      Left to Right Triples Winners Robin Quarterman, Brian Fowler and
                      Left to Right Triples Winners Robin Quarterman, Brian Fowler and
                   John Donelan with Runners-up Mary & Richard Paddy and Donna Mills
                    John Donelan with Runners-up Mary & Richard Paddy and Donna Mills
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