Page 39 - Spring 2020 a
P. 39

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                                                                   Langstone Ciff Hotel
                                                                    Langstone Ciff Hotel

                  One of the newly
                  One of the newly
              Refurbish Bedrooms
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             For a Short Mat Holiday or Short Mat Tour an Outdoor
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                The Langstone Cliff Hotel, Dawlish Warren, Devon.
                The Langstone Cliff Hotel, Dawlish Warren, Devon.
            Tel: 01626 868000
           Tel: 01626 868000

                                          This last printed magazine is dedicated to friends I can no longer talk
                                          to. The Covid-19 death of a friend and fellow Crown Green Bowler
                                          started me thinking about a dedication before I too exit the waiting
                                                We go through many junctions and crossroads in life but we
                                          rarely see them until we have passed them and do not know what
                                          our lives could have been had we taken a different road. There is a
                                          serious apology I need to make that is almost 60 years old but I do
                                          not think I will ever get the chance to make it.
                                                We meet a lot of people in our lives through work, sport or what-
                                          ever, some just eventually pass us bye or we pass them but others
             become friends for a period and then they or I moved on. Whilst I can’t remember everyone,
             the following is a list of those who I was very sad indeed to lose.
                   Chris Robbins, a workmate with whom I spent many Friday afternoons after work playing
             darts an imbibing the odd pint. Gwen Curtis a former Secretary of the ESMBA and her partner
             Jim (Shane) Nisbet, they at last found happiness together before they passed. Roy Stokes. a
             good an honest friend who was also my assistant England Manager.  John Scott, a friend who
             helped distribute the magazine and helped on my holidays.  Keith Earp, who told it as it was
             also helped and was a former Umpires Director and of late, A crown Green and Boozing com-
             panion Jack Edwards, who succumbed to Covid-19. There are many more who have come and
             gone from the England team and guests on my holidays etc etc. and I have no doubt missed
             many names but I at least they are in my memory!
                   I would also remember those who help make the English Association exist, Margaret and
             Norman Dickenson, Harry Lockett former Secretary and Geoff Buchanan former Competition
             Secretary ang his wife Gaynor, one of the two best ladies ever to have graced the England team,
             plus Reg Kett who basically put our rules together. Where I ask has the last 36 years gone?
             And the 34 before that!
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