Page 34 - Spring 2020 a
P. 34

Stowmarket 1_Layout 1  14/05/2020  13:23  Page 1

               34    Stowmarket Bowls Club - Australian Rules Pairs
                      Stowmarket Bowls Club - Australian Rules Pairs
                    Sixteen teams from Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk played on four rink mats in two groups of
             eight. Each team played four games of forty-five minutes duration, started and finished by the
             whistle, one game on each mat. The home team had the Jack on the first end and couldn’t give
             it away. The Aussie Rules were as follows:
                     The original Leads play two bowls each alternatively;
                     The original Leads and Skips swap ends;
                     The original Skips play four bowls each alternatively;
                     The two players swapped ends again (Returning to their starting positions for that end.)
                     and; The two original Leads played their remaining two bowls alternately.
                     No player may visit or remain at the head.
                     There was a maximum of one shot for each of the first two ends.
             The last end of a game had to end with both teams having delivered an equal number of bowls
             and the last bowl of the end must have been delivered. Jack off the mat resulted in two shots
             for the non-offending team and the end counted. Otherwise, ESMBA rules applied.
                                                                                          There were two points
                                                                                    for  a  win  and  one  for  a
                                                                                    draw. The winners were de-
                                                                                    termined by match points,
                                                                                    then by shot difference and
                                                                                    ends  won.  The  two  top
                                                                                    scoring teams then played
                                                                                    in a final.
                                                                                          Team  1,  Dave  Beer
                                                                                    and  Ron  Wanstell  started
                                                                                    with  a  7  all  shot  draw
                                                                                    against Team 5, Kieran Suf-
                                                                                    folk  and  Nigel  Bevan  but
                                                                                    only  won  3  ends  against
                                                                                    Team 5’s 5 ends. Team 2,
                                                                                    Jay Francis and John Ottley
                                                                                    were not so fortunate, los-
             ing with 3 shots and three ends to 8 shots and 4 ends to Team 6,
                   The Thetford Tigers – Pete Harvey and Jason Martin. Team 3, The Captain’s Log (There
             has to be a story to a name like that!) – Dave Kirk and Roy Pinner, had a good win 15:4, taking
             four of the seven ends, against Team 7, Steve and Jackie Spooner from Hatfield Peverel.
                   Team 4, Ann Whiteman and Theresa Haslam-Wise lost their game against Team 8, Mick
             Colledge and Chloe Suffolk 2 shots to 6 and 2 ends to 4. Team 9 Keith and Barbara Johns, the
             Johnsie Jokers from Canvey Island, discovered that 13 was their unlucky number as Team 13,
             Peter Skippen and Colin Maul – White Hall One - from Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, beat them 13:0!
                   Team 10, Chris Roberts and Ron Saitch, beat Team 14, The Trout Ticklers, Neil & Erika
             Thomas 8 shots to 3 and 4 ends to 3. Team 11, Archie Andrews and Derek Seaman, beat Team
             15, Victor Boreham and Grace Grimwade, White Hall Two, 8 shots to five but only won 3 of the
             7 ends. Team 12 Brenda Crowe and Josie Robinson, The Three Degrees Minus One, lost 4
             shots to 8 and 2 ends to 5, to Team 16, Malcolm Bailey and John Whiteman, No Mr E (Presum-
             ably referring to the player that Malcolm replaced!). So ended the first session.
                   The most significant wins from thereon were: in Session 2: Team 16 beat Team 9, 10:4,
             but the Johnsie Jokers didn’t let them have it all their own way as they did win three of the seven
             ends played; in Session 3: It was Team 16 again this time beating Team 11 14:1; Team 6 beating
             Team 1 17:2, team 1 winning two ends and; Team 3 beating Team, 13:2 and; in Session 4: Team
             9 beating Team 15, 13:2; Team 5 beating Team 3, 10:2; Team 13 beating Team 11, 9:2; Team 1
             beating Team 7 9:2 and; Team 12 beating Team 14, 10:4.
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