Page 30 - Spring 2020 a
P. 30

Norfolk 5_Layout 1  14/05/2020  13:10  Page 1

               30    This left the Halvergate pair needing a full house to force an extra end but losing an early
                    bowl off the mat left Cooke with the only option of trying to kill the end. Unfortunately for
              the Halvergate pair he failed to achieve this and another single to the Goldsmiths saw them
              record an 11-4 win to become Bure Pairs Champions.
                   Ryan Fox is Bure Singles Champion at first attempt
                                                    17-year-old Ryan Fox of Halvergate won the Bure Singles
                                                    Championship title at the first attempt in the final hosted by
                                                    Windows SMBC. Robert Howlett of East Tuddenham was
                                                    his opponent in the final but suffered the same fate as the
                                                    previous evening when he was defeated in the Bure Triples
                                                          Throughout the evening Ryan Fox, currently ESMBA
                                                    Under 18’s Champion, proved the most consistent bowler
                                                    in the hall putting his opponents under intense pressure.
                                                    In the final he took a single on the first end drawing in a
                                                    great last bowl to take a 1-0 lead. On the second end he
                                                    played a great forehand forcing bowl that left him holding
                                                    two shots and Robert Howlett could not retrieve the situa-
                                                    tion with his last bowl of the end.
                                                          Fox kept up the pressure on the next end, drawing a
                                                    toucher with his opening bowl, which held shot until the
                                                    Howlett’s last bowl of the end which was a good backhand
                                                    that took shot and got him on the scorecard with a single.
              On the fourth end Howlett set a much longer jack than Fox had
              been doing but dropped short with his first wood while Ryan Fox
              drew in a good bowl just beyond the jack. With Fox in control of
              the end Howlett elected to use weight with his final bowl but went
              too wide and Fox increased his lead to 5-1.
                   Another single followed on the next end and on the sixth
              end Howlett was in trouble again. Once more he resorted to
              weight with his final wood of the end, and managed to cut Fox
              down to another single, but the score was now 7-1 to the Halver-
              gate bowler and Howlett faced a mountain to climb just as he had
              faced the night before in the triples final. Robert Howlett raised
              his game on the seventh end and made a much better start even-
              tually taking two shots off Fox. Another single to Howlett followed
              on the eighth end and Fox’s lead had now been reduced to 7-4
              with two ends remaining.
                   Howlett opened the penultimate end with a nice forehand
              draw,  but  Fox  immediately  countered  with  a  toucher  before
                                                                                      Bure Singles Finalist
              Howlett retook shot with his second bowl of the end. It proved to       Bure Singles Finalist
                                                                                          Robert Howlett
              be a great end of bowls, with both players hitting top form, and            Robert Howlett
              Fox was forced to attack with his final bowl that cut Howlett to just a single. That left the score
              at 7-5 to Ryan Fox with one end remaining.
                   Robert Howlett, perhaps trying too hard, was too wide with his first bowl and too tight with
              his second while Ryan Fox drew in two bowls. Howlett then used weight to shoot the jack into
              the ditch to hold shot.
                   Fox went too wide and off the side with his third wood leaving Howlett with the chance to
              draw in a second wood to force an extra end. Unfortunately for Howlett he failed to reach with
              his last wood leaving Fox in a championship holding position. Surprisingly he still elected to play
              his last wood but did not alter the situation and he had won the final by 7-6.
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