Page 31 - Spring 2020 a
P. 31

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                     In the quarter-finals Ryan Fox beat Hevingham’s David Sharpe by 12-7. Robert Howlett
              31     beat Halvergate’s Jason Woods 10-9, Howlett had trailed throughout and went into the
                    last end 9-7 down but drew in three lovely woods on the last end to reach the semi-finals.
                   Halvergate’s Robbie Lamb beat East Tuddenham’s Melvin Woods by 10-7 and Heving-
             ham’s Steve Hall beat Halvergate’s David Lamb 9-6. David Lamb’s run of reaching four succes-
             sive Bure Singles Finals came to an end as he failed to find the weight of the mat playing too
             many short bowls. In the semi-finals Ryan Fox proved too hot for Steve Hall to handle as he
             reached the final with a 14-8 win. Robert Howlett beat Robbie Lamb in the other semi-final beat-
             ing Robbie Lamb 12-5 with an end to spare.

                                          Based on UK Government policy and NHS guidance the ESMBA
                                     Management Committee has decided to postpone all forthcoming events
                                     until further notice starting with the ICC semi-finals on 14/15 March. The
                                     ESMBA Management Committee has also taken into account the ageing
                                     player population and that the events will be held indoors in a close de-
                                     fined area.
                                          The current thinking is to re-arrange the diary for September 2020
             (hopefully), and play the ICC and National Championships in the first two weeks of September.
                                                                                Great Houghton
                                                                                 Great Houghton
                                                                                    News - 2019
                                                                                    News - 2019
                                                                                      Was Great
                                                                                      Was Great
                                                                              During the Summer when the
                                                                              Sun  comes  out  and  the  days
                                                                              are  longer  some  Short  Mat
                                                                              Bowlers  decide  to  go  &  play
                                                                              outside,  BUT  not  at  Great
                                                                              Houghton we play Short Mat all
                                                                              the year round!
                                                                                    So,  when  the  NSMBA
                                                                              (Northants) ask for entries for
                                                                              the  2019  Summer  League,
                                                                              Great Houghton sign up imme-
                                                                              diately!    There  were  5  Teams
             entered, but at least that’s 8 matches instead of “Rolling Up” all the Summer!
                   The format was Singles and Fours before the break, then Pairs & Triples after the
             break, with 2 points awarded for each mat win and then 2 bonus points for the Team with
             most cumulative points. So, after a number of years playing in this Summer league Great
             Houghton went and WON IT! A fantastic achievement, with all the Players making a pos-
             itive contribution!
                   Then every year the NSMBA put on a Fours Tournament for the Age UK Charity and
             the Winners receive the Earl Spencer Memorial Cup. Great Houghton usually put a Team
             into this Tournament, but this year (2019) the Team of Andy Odell, Sally Canavan, Mark
             Canavan, & Margaret Jones won all four of their matches and had a shot difference of
             over +40, which meant they were the Team with the best record & consequently won The
             Cup! Overall, the Day was a great success with £450 being raised for Age UK!
                   This win meant that Great Houghton won 4 Trophies in total over the year 2019! An
             unprecedented achievement in the Club’s history, which will be very hard to repeat but
             we are up for the challenge! Finally, a couple noteworthy points – In July The Team played
             in the ESMBA Top Team qualifier at Solihull Bowls Club and went and qualified for the
             Top Team Tournament at the Toorak Hotel, date to be arranged.
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