Page 29 - Spring 2020 a
P. 29

Bure Pairs                                                                        29
                        Bure Pairs
           The  third  Bure  Championship  finals
           night of the week was hosted by Wood-
           bastwick where a strong line-up of pairs
           promised some entertaining games.
                In the quarter-finals Jason Woods
           &  David  Lamb  of  Halvergate  played
           Hevingham’s  Teresa  &  Selwyn  Gold-
                The two pairs had met in the qual-
           ifying rounds where the Hevingham pair
           had won and it proved to be the same                         Mixed 4’s Finalists
                                                                        Mixed 4’s Finalists
           again although this time the score was                  Keith Cooke, Donna Lamb,
                                                                   Keith Cooke, Donna Lamb,
           closer with the Goldsmiths winning 7-6               David Lamb and Jenny Walker
                                                                 David Lamb and Jenny Walker
           with a single on the final end. Halver-
           gate’s Ryan Fox & Keith Cooke stormed to a massive 17-1 win against East Tuddenham’s Billie
           & Melvyn Barker with newly crowned Bure Singles champion Ryan Fox drawing superbly to the
                                                                Hevingham’s  David  Sharpe  &  Steve  Hall
                                                                reached the semi-finals with a solid 13-6 win
                                                                against East Tuddenham’s Jean Woods &
                                                                John Turner while Halvergate’s Jamie Forster
                                                                &  Robbie  Lamb  beat  East  Tuddenham’s
                                                                Simon Willies & Melly Woods by 11-4.
                                                                     In  the  semi-finals  Teresa  &  Selwyn
                                                                Goldsmith  faced  another  Halvergate  pair,
                                                                Jamie Forster & Robbie Lamb, and Teresa
                                                                Goldsmith’s  consistency  at  lead  kept  the
                                                                Halvergate pair under pressure as the Hev-
                                                                ingham pairing won 10-3.
                                                                     In the other semi-final Ryan Fox & Keith
                     Bure Pairs Champions                       Cooke maintained their good form as they
                     Bure Pairs Champions
                  Selwyn & Teresa Goldsmith                     beat David Sharpe & Steve Hall by 10-6. The
                  Selwyn & Teresa Goldsmith
                      of Hevingham SMBC                         final saw Ryan Fox hoping to add to his Bure
                      of Hevingham SMBC
                                                                Singles title won on Tuesday night at Win-
           dows while Teresa & Selwyn Goldsmith
           were also looking for their second title of
           the week after winning the Bure Triples
           Championships at Horsford BC with Pat
           Williamson on Monday night.
                With both Teresa Goldsmith & Ryan
           Fox drawing well at lead the opening ends
           were  tight  and  tactical  with  the  Fox  &
           Cooke pair leading by just 4-3 after five
                But the sixth end proved crucial as
           the Hevingham pair took four shots to lead
                                                                      Bure Pairs Runners-up
           7-4 and adding another three on the sev-                   Bure Pairs Runners-up
                                                                      Keith Cooke & Ryan Fox
           enth end to move into a commanding 10-                    Keith Cooke & Ryan Fox
                                                                        of Halvergate SMBC
           4 lead with one end remaining.                               of Halvergate SMBC
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