Page 25 - Spring 2020 a
P. 25

Carpet Bowls 4_Layout 1  14/05/2020  12:44  Page 1

             However, the competition went ahead and as usual was highly competitive and extremely
             close, with the last session deciding the final placing. Up to that stage, three areas were    25
             still in contention but it was Chelmsford West who came out on top. Well done to Colin
             Day and his Chelmsford West team
                                   The final placing were:-
                                   1st Chelmsford West with 21 points
                                   2nd North West with 19 points
                                   3rd Colchester West with 18 points
                                   4th Colchester East with 14 points

             Thanks go to all who played, who helped with the setting up and putting away of equipment and
             obtained the prize medals for the competition. A Special thanks go to Anthea Bushe who ran
             the raffle on the day and to Duncan Lumley (Essex Tournament Secretary) who set up and ran
             the competition with his team of helpers
                                   Norfolk County Triples
                                   Norfolk County Triples
             Norfolk County Triples competition was held at Wortwell, with 20 teams
             taking part and were divided in to 4 groups of 5 each playing each other,
             with the group winners and the runners up going through to make up the
             last 8.
                   Reepham  Vs  Occold,  Kenninghall  Vs  Needham,  Sea  Palling  Vs
             Brockdish, Tacolneston Vs Syleham. Reepham beating Occold (10-4) going on to play Kenning-
             hall who overcame Needham (7-4). Sea Palling narrowly beating Brockdish (5-4) were to play
             Syleham who overcame Tacolneston (8-5)
                   The Semi-finals saw Reepham beat Kenninghall and Sea Palling beat Syleham after a
             very close battle. This set up a Final Between Sea Palling (Rachel, Mick, John) Vs Reepham
             (Doris, Matt, Stephen). Sea Palling started off strong with Rachel leading well and Mick manag-
             ing to fill in gaps before Matt could bowl. This was the same throughout the game with Sea
             Palling just building on the lead from the first End. With Reepham not even getting a look in end
             after end. Sea Palling had won the game with an end to spare. (11-2)
                                    Suffolk Charity Fours

                                    There was a very full house for this year's Charity Fours to raise money
                                    for  Dementia  Together.  45  teams  were  competing  on  the  9  carpets
                                    squeezed into the hall. As usual there isn't enough time for a knockout
                                    stage so the winners would be the team on top after they had played their
                                    4 games. In Round 1, 22 teams won their first game with Felixstowe URC
                                    B and Barrow A leading the way on 13 shots, followed by Claydon B, Reep-
                                    ham Robins B and Fulborn, all just 1 shot back.
                   In Round 2, 14 teams made it through their second game without dropping a point. Claydon
             B were now in the lead on 25 shots, Fulborn were on 24, Chelmondiston A had 22, Claydon A
             had 21 and Knodishall A and Birch Teys had 20.
                   Round 3 - with 3 games played there were still 10 teams in the running on maximum points.
             Fulborn had now just edged ahead, on 35 shots, Claydon B were 2 behind, Chelmondiston A
             were on 30 and East Bergholt B and Claydon A had 29. I Round 4, several of those leaders fell
             by the wayside in their final’s games, Claydon B were held to a draw, while Chelmondiston A
             and East Bergholt B lost, as did Burstall A and Hundon B who had also won their first 3 games.
             That left 5 teams on maximum points.
                   5th place went to Barking/Kelsale who finished on 27 shots, Badwell Ash were on 31 which
             was only good enough for 4th and 3rd were Birch Teys on 38 shots. It looked as if Fulborn were
             going to take victory, but 42 shots was not good enough as Claydon A roared to a 17-0 win in
             their final game to finish on 46 shots, leaping up from 5th place to take the overall win.
                   Most importantly of all though we would like to thank everyone involved for helping us to
             raise an amazing £1,400 for a very worthy cause. We hope to see you all again next year.
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