Page 24 - Spring 2020 a
P. 24

Carpet Bowls 3_Layout 1  14/05/2020  12:42  Page 1

                     In the first Semi-final, Ann Denton (Toddington) faced Dan Walker (Clophill). After 3 ends
               24    Toddington lead 3-0 but a brace to Clophill saw it being a nail-biting last end. Shot wood
                    was exchanged but a decisive draw onto the jack by Ann Denton saw Toddington take
              the game 4-2. In the other semi-final, George Savage (Clophill) played Sue Bollins (Toddington).
              This game was very tight with both leads playing well, but the last end saw Toddington leading
              3-2. However, with his last wood to play George was shot down, but he hits the jack and shoots
              it back hitting his own back wood to stay on for a count of 2 and the win, thus preventing an all
              Toddington final.
                   In the final, Clophill’s Susan & George Savage who were off to a quick start and were 8-0
              up after only 3 ends against Toddington’s Cherry Brock & Ann Denton. Both teams agreed on a
              6-end final. The Clophill duo extended their lead with a single to extended to 9-0. With Toddington
              needing a big shot count on the 5th end. All they could muster though was a single which saw
              the two teams shake hands on the game at 9-1.
                   Well done to our champions Susan & George on superb day for them and commiserations
              to Cherry and Ann who should also be proud of the way they played on the day. Finally thank
              you to all for your support on the day, Huge thanks to Christine and Trevor in the Kitchen and
              the ladies on the raffle, and of course for Keith for the smooth running on the day.
                   Bedfordshire Singles
                   The photos were not available for the last issue.

                                                                       Triples Finalists
                               Singles Champion                        Triples Finalists
                               Singles Champion
                                Keith Cockings                           Paul Hurran
                                 Keith Cockings
                                                                          Paul Hurran
                                     The Essex Inter Area Competition
                                     This took place at Braintree Leisure Centre. All six Essex areas were in-
                                     vited to take part with a team from each area of 6 rinks (24 players) com-
                                     peting against each other. Over the last few years, the East Area have
                                     not taken part and the competition has been played between the other 5
                                     areas. However, at late notice Chelmsford East Area dropped out this
                                     year, through lack of players, which was extremely disappointing to those
                                     who organise the event and to the other Areas taking part
                                           This meant a shortened playing programme on the day and only
              three matches (instead of four) were played for those taking part who all still had to pay the £5
              competition entry fee for one game less. The committee were extremely disappointed by the
              lack of commitment from the players within the Chelmsford East Area, with concerns that the
              lack of the additional lost income, that the event may have incurred an overall loss on the day.
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