Page 28 - Spring 2020 a
P. 28

Norfolk 3_Layout 1  14/05/2020  12:57  Page 1


                              Coastal Pairs Winners                  Coastal Pairs Finalists
                                                                      Coastal Pairs Finalists
                              Coastal Pairs Winners
                           Peter & Norma Jablonowski                  Mick & Gail Hodgson
                                                                       Mick & Gail Hodgson
                           Peter & Norma Jablonowski
              Mat Three saw Peter Goode and Iris Buchannon from Martham beat the second-place pair of
              Eagles’ Doreen Scarff and Alan Goodhew by 5 points to 4.  On Mat Four the Owls pair Norma
              and Peter Jablonowski stormed to a 6-point win with Mo Boreham and Jackie Fortescue from
              Bradwell Robins coming second with 4 points.
                   Both semi-finals were extremely close, the Jablonowski's scraping into the final by one
              shot against Peter and Iris, and after 8 ends, the score on the other mat was even, 5-5, so Gail
              and Mick had to play another end against Jenny and Ted and came through by 2 shots. As usual
              the re-positioning of the mat was a key factor in the final, Norma and Peter Jablonowski were
              both very accurate, overcoming Gail and Mick Hodgson by 11 shots to 2.
                   Photos & Article courtesy of Jenny Walker
                Greenacre and Cranston's combine to win mixed fours

                                                                           Hempnall's  Kerry  Greenacre  with
                                                                           County Council's Claire, Lewis and
                                                                           Owen  Cranston  won  the  Norfolk
                                                                           mixed fours title after finishing top out
                                                                           of six fours having all played each
                                                                           other  over  the  day  in  one  league
                                                                                 They  started  the  day  beating
                                                                           Forncett 9-3 then won against Simon
                                                                           Willies'  four  convincingly  beating
                                                                           them 13-6. Their third match against
                                                                           Bob  Oatway  saw  them  win  10-4
                             Mixed 4’s Champions                           while  a  7-7  draw  against  David
                             Mixed 4’s Champions
                           Owen & Claire Cranston,                         Lamb's  four  kept  them  top  of  the
                           Owen & Claire Cranston,
                    Kerry Greenacre & Lewis Cranston                       table with one match to play.
                     Kerry Greenacre & Lewis Cranston
                                                                                Their last match was effectively
              a winner take all against Robbie Lamb's block with them in second position having seen them
              pick up wins against Forncett 13-2, David Lamb 10-4 and Bob Oatway 7-3.
                   The match was tight and saw Lamb's four leading 5-4 with two ends to play but some good
              pressure woods played by Owen Cranston at skip secured the win with back to back braces
              over the last two ends to see them win 8-5. The result put Robbie Lamb's four into third position
              enough for a national’s place with David Lamb's four in second after they beat Simon Willies 8
              shots to-2.
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