Page 23 - Spring 2020 a
P. 23

Carpet Bowls 2_Layout 1  14/05/2020  12:39  Page 1

             On the next end, the Turvey team were holding shot but Mick Walker is short leaving
             Neil Rixon a shot to ease the bowls away he nudges it. but not enough, with the match          23
             being all-square again at 6-6. On end 7 - Lesley Nunn moved the jack back away from
             the shot bowl, but Mike Walker draws to the shot wood, it's very close both sides calling a mea-
                   Mick and Neil both draw close to the two woods in the head Neil rocks his own shot, will it
             be enough? After the closest measure Turvey take a single by one 16th of an inch to win 6-7 in
             a game worthy of a final.
                   Well done both teams another superb final played in the best way. Congratulations to Tur-
             vey and to Dorothy on her first ever county title. Also, thanks to our great caterers, raffle team
             and to Keith Cockings on running the day so smoothly
                                             Bedfordshire Pairs

                                             40 pairs attended event at Barton le Clay, with 8 groups
                                             of  5  with  group  winners  progressing  to  the  knockout

                                                  Group A was dominated by A Denton (Toddington) who, with
                                             a narrow win over H Ball (Colmworth), had 6pts. A draw in final
                                             game saw them win the group with 7pts. In Group B: D Walker
                                             (Clophill) was on 6pts after 3 games but lost their final game to D
                                             Mitchell (Barton) both topping the group on 6pts but the Clophill
                                             pair had a better shot difference.
                                                  In Group C: G Savage (Clophill) had 6 pts but lost their final
                                             game giving J Greaves (Toddington) a chance, but superior shot
                                             difference saw Clophill through. Group D: saw G Buttrum (Cotton
                                             End) taking a maximum of 4 wins to ease through easily in this
                Pairs Champions              group.
                Pairs Champions
                Clophill’s George                 Group E was a close affair. R Davidson (Silsoe) had 6pts but
                Clophill’s George
                 & Susan Savage              N  Rixon  (Barton)  had  a  game  to  play  and  needed  to  win  to
                 & Susan Savage
                                             progress which they did to win group on 7pts. In Group F: after 3
             games each T Taylorson (SlipEnd) and A Hatton (Turvey) had 4 pts each so a win for either
             would be enough. The Slip End pair lost but Turvey won to progress on 6pts.
                   The final Group (G), saw S Hall (Clophill) and P Baynes (Cople) finishing with 6pts each
             but a 6-1 win for Clophill wasn’t quite enough as Cople slipped through by 3 shots. Thanks to
             everyone for their forbearance towards the slight alteration at the halfway point which saw a re-
             duction in game time.
                   At the Quarter Final stage, Toddington’s A. Denton was drawn
             against Barton’s Neil Rixon. This game was tight after 3 ends at 2-
             1 to Toddington, but a 3 shot count on the 4th was decisive and
             Denton finally won 6-1 for Toddington.
                   D Walker (Clophill) played A Hatton (Turvey). Another very
             tight game which was 2-2 on the last end. Clophill hold shot as the
             Turvey skip has his last wood to play, a slight overdraw sees the
             jack trickle, handing a 4-2 win to Clophill.
                   The next Quarter final saw G Savage (Clophill) face P Baynes
             (Cople). Great start for Clophill picking up 4 on first end, Cople
             replied with 2 singles to be 4-2 down but a single and then 5 on the
             last end saw Clophill ease to a win.
                   The final game of the round left G Buttrum (Cotton End) play-
             ing S Bollins (Toddington). The Cotton end pair had a 6-2 lead after
                                                                                           Pairs Finalists
                                                                                           Pairs Finalists
             3 ends but the game turned in the final 2 ends as Toddington took          Toddington’s Cherry
                                                                                        Toddington’s Cherry
             a single then a 4 to snatch a 7-6 victory.
                                                                                        Brock & Ann Denton
                                                                                        Brock & Ann Denton
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